首页> 外文期刊>Journal of affective disorders >Why are suicidal thoughts less prevalent in older age groups? Age differences in the correlates of suicidal thoughts in the English Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007

Why are suicidal thoughts less prevalent in older age groups? Age differences in the correlates of suicidal thoughts in the English Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007

机译:为什么自杀念头在老年人群中不那么普遍? 2007年英国成人精神病患病率调查中自杀思想相关因素的年龄差异

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Background: Suicidal ideation is more strongly associated with suicidal intent in later life, so risk factors may also differ by age. We investigated whether the relationship between suicidal ideation and established correlates varied by age in a representative population. Methods: We used data from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey of England to assess the relationship between age and suicidal thoughts across 20-year age bands, using logistic regression, adjusted for survey weights. We used mediation analyses to assess the extent to which other factors mediate the relationship between suicidal thoughts and age. Results: Reports of previous-year suicidal thoughts decreased with age. This was partly explained by (1) lower rates of reported child abuse (in those aged 75 + ), of depression, and of anxiety symptoms (in those aged 55+), factors all strongly associated with suicidal thoughts, and (2) higher rates of protective factors in people aged 35+, specifically homeownership and cohabitation. Rates of phobias, irritability and compulsions also decreased with age, and the association of these symptoms with suicidal thoughts was particularly strong in the youngest (16-34) age group. People who reported experiencing childhood abuse in all age groups reported more suicidal thoughts, suggesting abuse has lifelong negative effects on suicidal ideation. Limitations: The response rate was 57%. Older people may be less likely to recall childhood abuse. Conclusions: Sexual and physical abuse in childhood are associated with suicidal ideas throughout the lifespan, so screening for suicidal ideas in younger and older people should be routine and vigorous, and cover experiences in early life: management may require appropriate psychological interventions.
机译:背景:自杀意念与以后的自杀意图密切相关,因此危险因素也可能因年龄而异。我们调查了有代表性的人群中自杀意念与既定关联之间的关系是否随年龄变化。方法:我们使用来自英国20​​07年成人精神病学发病率调查的数据,使用经Logistic回归调整了调查权重后,评估了20岁年龄段的年龄与自杀念头之间的关系。我们使用调解分析来评估其他因素介导自杀念头与年龄之间的关系的程度。结果:前一年自杀念头的报告随着年龄的增长而下降。部分原因可以归因于(1)所报告的虐待儿童率(在75岁以上的儿童中),抑郁症和焦虑症状(在55岁以上的儿童中),与自杀念头密切相关的因素较低,以及(2)较高。 35岁以上人群的保护因素比率,特别是房屋所有权和同居情况。恐惧症,烦躁和强迫症的发生率也随着年龄的增长而降低,而这些症状与自杀念头的关联在最年轻的(16-34)年龄组中尤为明显。在所有年龄段中都经历过童年虐待的人报告了更多的自杀念头,这表明虐待对自杀意念具有终生负面影响。局限性:回应率为57%。老年人回忆起童年虐待的可能性较小。结论:儿童时期的性虐待和身体虐待与一生中的自杀念头有关,因此对年轻人和老年人的自杀念头进行筛查应该是常规且有力的,并应涵盖早期的经历:管理可能需要适当的心理干预。



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