首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Monitoring osteoporosis therapy with bone densitometry: misleading changes and regression to the mean. Fracture Intervention Trial Research Group.

Monitoring osteoporosis therapy with bone densitometry: misleading changes and regression to the mean. Fracture Intervention Trial Research Group.


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CONTEXT: The principle of "regression to the mean" predicts that patients with unusual responses to treatment might represent outliers who are likely to have more typical responses if treatment is continued without change. OBJECTIVE: To test whether women who lose bone mineral density (BMD) during the first year of treatment for osteoporosis continue to lose BMD if the same treatment is continued beyond 1 year. DESIGN AND SETTING: Two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in 11 US clinical research centers for the Fracture Intervention Trial and 180 centers in the United States and other countries for the Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation Trial. PARTICIPANTS AND INTERVENTIONS: Postmenopausal women with low BMD assigned to treatment with 5 mg/d of alendronate sodium in the Fracture intervention Trial who completed 2 years of BMD monitoring and adhered to study medication (n = 2634), and postmenopausal women with osteoporosis assigned to treatment with 60 or 120 mg/d of raloxifene hydrochloride in the Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation trial who similarly completed 2 years of monitoring while adhering to study medication (n = 3954). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Baseline, 12-, and 24-month hip and spine BMD. RESULTS: Women with the greatest loss of BMD during the first year of treatment were the most likely to gain BMD during continued treatment. Specifically, among women taking alendronate whose hip BMD decreased by more than 4% during the first year, 83% (95% confidence interval [CI], 82%-84%)had increases in hip BMD during the second year, with an overall mean increase of 4.7%. In contrast, those who seemed to gain at least 8% during the first year lost an average of 1% (95% CI, 0.1%-1.9%) during the next year. Similar results were observed among women taking raloxifene for 2 years. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that most women who lose BMD during the first year of treatment with alendronate or raloxifene will gain BMD if the same treatment is continued for a second year. These results illustrate the principle of regression to the mean and suggest that effective treatments for osteoporosis should not be changed because of loss of BMD during the first year of use.
机译:语境:“均值回归”原则预测,对治疗反应异常的患者可能代表离群值,如果继续治疗而无变化,则异常值可能会更高。目的:测试在骨质疏松症治疗的第一年中失去骨矿物质密度(BMD)的妇女,如果持续治疗超过1年,是否继续失去BMD。设计与设置:在美国的11个骨折干预试验临床研究中心和在美国及其他国家的180个雷洛昔芬评估试验的多个结果中心中进行了两项随机,双盲,安慰剂对照试验。参与者和干预措施:在骨折干预试验中,BMD低的绝经后妇女分配了5 mg / d的阿仑膦酸钠治疗,完成了2年的BMD监测并坚持研究药物治疗(n = 2634),绝经后骨质疏松的妇女被分配为在雷洛昔芬的多个结果评估试验中,用60或120 mg / d盐酸雷洛昔芬治疗相似地完成了2年的监测,同时坚持研究药物治疗(n = 3954)。主要观察指标:基线,12个月和24个月髋部和脊柱BMD。结果:在治疗的第一年,BMD损失最大的女性在继续治疗期间最有可能获得BMD。具体而言,在服用阿仑膦酸钠的女性中,第一年髋部BMD下降了4%以上,第二年髋部BMD上升了83%(95%置信区间[CI],82%-84%)。平均增长4.7%。相比之下,那些似乎在第一年至少增长8%的人在第二年平均损失了1%(95%CI,0.1%-1.9%)。在服用雷洛昔芬2年的女性中观察到了相似的结果。结论:我们的数据表明,如果在第二年继续接受同样的治疗,大多数在服用阿仑膦酸钠或雷洛昔芬治疗的第一年内失去BMD的女性将获得BMD。这些结果说明了回归均值的原理,并建议不应因使用第一年中BMD的损失而改变骨质疏松症的有效治疗方法。



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