首页> 外文期刊>Drugs: education, prevention, and policy >Overview: Beyond guidelines and guidance - Psychosocial perspectives on treatment interventions for young people with substance problems in the United Kingdom

Overview: Beyond guidelines and guidance - Psychosocial perspectives on treatment interventions for young people with substance problems in the United Kingdom


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Over the last two decades there has been accumulating evidence that both psychosocial and pharmacological treatment interventions can effect change in substance-misusing adults. Thus, treatment interventions implemented for young people with substance problems largely draw on the adult addiction experience and that of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology. As young people with problematic drug use have different treatment needs, and require different interventions and services to those of adults, results of adult studies cannot necessarily be directly extrapolated to young people. Over the last five years evidence has been rapidly mounting that treatment may potentially work in young people, but as yet it is not as extensive as that for adults. The interventions that appear most fruitful are those based on learning theory, e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy and family therapy. Outcome studies in young people demonstrate substantial variability in substance use and misuse following treatment. From the UK perspective, the evidence is almost entirely USA based, and these evaluations of non-UK treatment programmes for young people cannot be simply transferred or transported to UK healthcare settings. This has significant implications for practice and policy. At this stage, 'guidelines or 'guidance that is available is either not directed at young people and/or is largely gleaned from the USA literature. In addition, it does not adequately capture the complexity of cases at front-line specialist settings. The management of young substance misusers in the UK is, in the main, 'beyond guidelines and guidance. The restricted treatment service network for young people in the UK makes the potential for undertaking studies on treatment effectiveness extremely limited, but because there is evidence of a growing number of young people requiring treatment, such specialist drug services require evaluation. Serious consideration of the establishment and funding of evaluation of treatment interventions to be delivered to young substance misusers in the UK is urgently needed.



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