首页> 外文期刊>Health expectations: an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy >Queer quit: gay smokers' perspectives on a culturally specific smoking cessation service.

Queer quit: gay smokers' perspectives on a culturally specific smoking cessation service.


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BACKGROUND: The prevalence of smoking is high among gay males. The need for culturally specific support has been acknowledged, but little is known about gay men's perspectives on such adapted interventions. OBJECTIVE: To investigate smoking and intention to quit in gay smokers and to explore their attitudes towards a gay-specific smoking cessation programme. DESIGN: Quantitative survey and focus groups. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A total of 325 gay smokers living in Zurich (Switzerland) completed an anonymous survey. Thirteen males participated in two focus groups, theoretically sampled to reflect heterogeneity in terms of age, HIV serostatus and smoking histories. Participants were personally recruited at a variety of events and through advertisements. RESULTS: Responders reported high consumption of cigarettes, and every second man stated that more than half of his gay friends smoke regularly. The majority planned their quit within the next 6 months. Idealizing attitudes towards smoking were very common. Men stated strong preferences towards a culturally adapted cessation programme for gay men. Higher age, high nicotine dependence, intention to quit, smoking stereotypes and fears for weight gain were significant predictors for interest in participation in the programme. Qualitative results indicate that men felt torn between their wish for support, bonding, and community alternatives to the 'smoking gay' environment and fears for failure and loss of reputation. CONCLUSIONS: Gay men reported likely use of a gay-specific intervention. Such interventions may offer support in abstaining from smoking, without abstaining from gay social life. Health-care providers play an important role in communicating the serious threats caused by smoking to gay men.
机译:背景:男同性恋者的吸烟率很高。人们已经认识到需要有针对性的文化支持,但对于男同性恋者对这种适应性干预措施的看法知之甚少。目的:调查同性恋吸烟者的吸烟和戒烟意愿,并探讨他们对同性恋特定戒烟计划的态度。设计:定量调查和焦点小组。地点和参与者:居住在瑞士苏黎世的总共325名同性恋吸烟者完成了一项匿名调查。 13个男性参加了两个焦点小组的研究,从理论上抽样以反映年龄,HIV血清状况和吸烟史方面的异质性。参加者是通过各种活动和通过广告亲自招募的。结果:响应者报告吸烟量很高,第二个男人说超过一半的男同性恋朋友经常吸烟。大多数人计划在未来6个月内退出。理想化的吸烟态度非常普遍。男子表示强烈偏爱针对同性恋者进行文化适应的戒烟计划。较高的年龄,较高的尼古丁依赖性,戒烟意愿,吸烟定型观念和对体重增加的恐惧是参与该计划的重要预测因素。定性结果表明,男人在渴望获得支持,联系和“吸烟同性恋”环境的社区替代选择的愿望与对失败和声誉丧失的恐惧之间感到痛苦。结论:男同性恋者报告可能使用了针对男同性恋的干预措施。此类干预措施可以为戒烟提供支持,而无需戒除同性恋社交生活。卫生保健提供者在向男同性恋者传达吸烟所造成的严重威胁方面起着重要作用。



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