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CURRENT California Grid Passes First Power Test With Flying Colors


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Southern California has met the first summer-related demand challenge of its power grid without the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage field. The two-day alert from Jun. 19-20 was the first time the grid has had a peak demand period since Aliso Canyon was taken off line on Oct. 23 after a well began leaking. California Independent Systems Operator (Casio) spokesman Steven Greenlee says public cooperation and cooler temperatures than expected helped. On Jun. 20, when temperatures hit 100°F (38°C) in the Los Angeles Basin, demand peaked at 44.5 giga-watts. Casio, he said, had been forecasting peak demand of 45.5 GW. The load on the grid dropped to just under 42.6 GW on Jun. 21 and 39 GW on Jun. 22 as temperatures settled back into a more seasonal range in the 80s. "Overall, things went very well. That tells us that the Flex Alert and voluntary conservation kicked in very well and helped shave the megawatts off our demand. I think we met the first test and passed it with an' A,'" Greenlee said. Flex Alerts call on consumers to conserve electricity during heat waves or unexpected power plant outages.
机译:在没有Aliso Canyon天然气存储场的情况下,南加州已经解决了其电网面临的与夏季相关的第一个需求挑战。自6月19日至20日的为期两天的警报是自井井泄漏后10月23日阿里索峡谷(Aliso Canyon)下线以来,电网首次出现高峰时段。加利福尼亚独立系统运营商(Casio)发言人史蒂文·格林利(Steven Greenlee)表示,公众合作和温度降低超出预期。 6月20日,当洛杉矶盆地的温度达到100°F(38°C)时,需求达到了44.5吉瓦的峰值。他说,卡西欧曾预测45.5吉瓦的峰值需求。随着温度在80年代回到较季节性的范围内,电网负荷在6月21日降至42.6吉瓦以下,在6月22日降至39吉瓦。格林利说:“总体而言,一切进行得很好。这表明我们的Flex Alert和自愿保护措施进展顺利,并帮助减少了我们的需求量。我认为我们满足了第一个测试并通过了'A'认证。” 。 Flex Alerts呼吁消费者在热浪或发电厂意外停电时节约用电。



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