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On her best behavior: A Talk with Kristen White, CVT

机译:关于她的最佳行为:与CVT的克里斯汀·怀特(Kristen White)交谈

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AFTER TRAINING a bird to play basketball and a deaf dog to follow commands, helping clients effectively modify their pets' undesirable behaviors is a snap for Kristen White, CVT. Kristen, a behavior technician and practice manager at the Animal and Bird Hospital of Clearwater in Clearwater, Florida, says her aim is to strengthen the bond between her clients and their pets. As part of her mission, she teaches puppy classes and educates owners about the importance of socialization and environmental enrichment. "My goal is to keep that puppy in the owner's home for the rest of its life," says Kristen, who also serves as president of the Society of Veterinary Behavior Technicians (SVBT) and as a part-time behavior technician with the Animal Behavior Network, an online behavior resource for both veterinary professionals and pet owners. Here, she tells us about successful behavior modification techniques and why technicians are in an ideal position to teach puppy classes.
机译:CVT克里斯汀·怀特(Cristen White)训练后,训练一只鸟去打篮球,一只聋狗去遵循命令,帮助客户有效地改变宠物的不良行为。佛罗里达州克利尔沃特市克利尔沃特动物和鸟类医院的行为技术员兼实践经理克里斯汀说,她的目标是加强客户与宠物之间的联系。作为任务的一部分,她教小狗课程,并向主人介绍社会化和丰富环境的重要性。克里斯汀说:“我的目标是将那只小狗留在主人的余生中,”克里斯汀同时还是动物行为技术员学会(SVBT)的主席和动物行为的兼职行为技术员网络,是兽医专业人士和宠物主人的在线行为资源。在这里,她向我们介绍了成功的行为修正技术,以及为什么技术人员处于理想的教授幼犬班的位置。



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