首页> 外文期刊>Transplantation: Official Journal of the Transplantation Society >Analysis of perfusates during hypothermic machine perfusion by NMR spectroscopy: A potential tool for predicting kidney graft outcome

Analysis of perfusates during hypothermic machine perfusion by NMR spectroscopy: A potential tool for predicting kidney graft outcome


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BACKGROUND: Machine perfusion use has been reported to promote graft outcome in case of donation after cardiac death. Our objective was to evaluate the potential for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to predict graft outcome by analyzing perfusates during machine perfusion time. METHOD: We used a renal autotransplantation model mimicking deceased after cardiac death donors with pigs. Organs were subjected to 60 min of warm ischemia before the hypothermic machine preservation during 22 hr. We studied the correlation between creatinemia after transplantation and the NMR data from perfusates. RESULTS: A metabonomic analysis allowed us to highlight the evolution of several metabolites during perfusion: the concentration of lactate, choline, or amino acids such as valine, glycine, or glutamate increased with time, whereas there was a diminution of total glutathione during this period. The changes in these biomarkers were less severe in the group with the better outcome. Statistical analysis revealed a strong association between the level of those metabolites during machine perfusion and function recovery (Spearman rank 0.89; P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Multivariate analysis of lesion biomarkers during kidney perfusion using NMR data could be an interesting tool to assess graft quality, particularly because analyses times (2 hr total) are compatible with clinical application.
机译:背景:据报道,在心脏死亡后捐献机器的情况下,使用机器灌注可以促进移植物的预后。我们的目标是通过分析机器灌注期间的灌注液来评估核磁共振(NMR)预测移植物结局的潜力。方法:我们使用了模仿肾脏心脏移植供者死于猪的心脏自体移植模型。在22个小时的低温机器保存之前,对器官进行60分钟的热缺血。我们研究了移植后肌酐水平与灌注液核磁共振数据之间的相关性。结果:代谢组学分析使我们能够强调灌注过程中几种代谢产物的演变:乳酸,胆碱或氨基酸(如缬氨酸,甘氨酸或谷氨酸)的浓度随时间增加,而在此期间总谷胱甘肽减少。这些生物标志物的变化在组中较轻,结果更好。统计分析表明,机器灌注过程中这些代谢产物的水平与功能恢复之间有很强的联系(Spearman等级为0.89; P <0.05)。结论:利用核磁共振数据对肾脏灌注过程中病变生物标志物进行多变量分析可能是评估移植物质量的有趣工具,特别是因为分析时间(共2小时)与临床应用兼容。



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