首页> 外文期刊>The British Journal of Nutrition >Socio-economic, behavioural and environmental factors predicted body weights and household food insecurity scores in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten.

Socio-economic, behavioural and environmental factors predicted body weights and household food insecurity scores in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten.


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Recent increases in obesity prevalence among children in developed countries are of policy concern. While significant positive associations between households' food insecurity status and body weights have been reported for adults, it is known from the energy physiology literature that energy requirements depend on BMR, anthropometric measures and physical activity. It is therefore important to model the bi-directional relationships between body weights and households' food insecurity scores especially for children that have evolving nutrient and energy requirements. The present paper estimated dynamic random effects models for children's body weights and BMI, and households' food insecurity scores using longitudinal data on 7635 children in the USA enrolled in 1st, 3rd and 5th grades (1999-2003) of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten. The main findings were, first, physical exercise and numbers of siblings were significantly (P 0.05) negatively associated with body weights, while households' food insecurity score was not a significant predictor. Moreover, children's body weights were significantly lower in households with higher parental education and incomes; time spent watching television and in non-parental care were positively associated with weights. Second, models for households' food insecurity scores showed that poverty and respondents' poor emotional and physical health significantly increased food insecurity. Moreover, households with children who were taller and heavier for their ages faced significantly higher food insecurity levels. Overall, the results showed that household food insecurity was unlikely to exacerbate child obesity in the USA and it is important that children receive balanced school meals and perform higher physical activity.
机译:最近,发达国家儿童肥胖症患病率上升令人关注。尽管已经报告了成年人的家庭粮食不安全状况与体重之间的显着正相关,但从能量生理学文献中得知,能量需求取决于BMR,人体测量学方法和体育锻炼。因此,重要的是对体重和家庭的食物不安全评分之间的双向关系进行建模,尤其是对于营养和能量需求不断增长的儿童而言。本研究使用纵向,纵向和纵向数据估计了儿童体重和BMI的动态随机效应模型,以及家庭的食品不安全评分,这些数据涉及美国1635、3和5年级(1999-2003年)的儿童早期纵向研究,幼儿园。主要发现是,首先,体育锻炼和兄弟姐妹的数量与体重呈显着负相关(P <0.05),而家庭的食物不安全评分却不是显着的预测指标。而且,在父母教育和收入较高的家庭中,儿童的体重明显降低。看电视和非父母护理所花费的时间与体重呈正相关。其次,家庭粮食不安全得分模型显示,贫困和受访者情绪和身体健康不佳显着加剧了粮食不安全。此外,有孩子的家庭随着年龄的增长越来越重,他们面临的粮食不安全水平明显更高。总体而言,结果表明,在美国,家庭粮食不安全不太可能加剧儿童肥胖,因此,让儿童获得均衡的学校餐食并进行更多的体育锻炼很重要。



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