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The cold chain starts to warm up


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The cold chain is the almost invisible process which gets food from farms and food processors into the kitchens and diets of the developed world. Refrigerating or freezing food stops it spoiling along its journey and makes the process of growing, transporting and consuming food far more robust than it was even a few decades ago. The logistics of food delivery would be far more costly and much less efficient without polyurethane. The global cold chain market was worth $167bn last year and is projected to rise to $234bn by 2020, reflecting a CAGR of 7% according to research firm MarketsandMarkets. "It is a market that is growing. One of the main drivers is the professional, or industrial market's assimilation into to the domestic market in terms of energy efficiency standards [the A+ to A+++ star ratings that refrigeration solutions must adhere to]", said Luigi Procopio, commercial director at Saip.
机译:冷链是几乎看不见的过程,它将食物从农场和食品加工厂运到发达国家的厨房和饮食中。冷藏或冷冻食品可以防止食品在旅途中变质,并使食品的生长,运输和消费过程比几十年前更加牢固。如果没有聚氨酯,食品配送的物流成本将大大增加,效率将大大降低。市场研究公司MarketsandMarkets的数据显示,去年全球冷链市场价值1670亿美元,预计到2020年将增至2340亿美元,复合年增长率为7%。 “这是一个正在成长的市场。主要驱动力之一是根据能源效率标准(制冷解决方案必须遵守的A +至A +++星级),专业或工业市场与国内市场的融合。”塞普(Saip)商业总监Luigi Procopio。



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