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The dynamic events that capture visual attention: A reply to Abrams and Christ (2005)


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We recently demonstrated that, contrary to previous findings, some types of irrelevant motion are capable of capturing our attention (Franconeri & Simons, 2003). Strikingly, whereas simulated looming (a dynamic increase in object size) captured attention, simulated receding (a decrease in object size) did not. Abrams and Christ (2003, 2005) have provided a different interpretation of this evidence, arguing that in each case attention was captured by the onset of motion rather than by motion per se. They argued that the only published finding inconsistent with their motion onset account is our evidence that simulated receding motion failed to capture attention. Abrams and Christ (2005) presented a receding object stereoscopically and found that it did capture attention, leading them to conclude that the motion onset account explains existing data more parsimoniously than our account does. Our reply has three parts. First, we argue that evidence of capture by receding motion is interesting but irrelevant to the debate over whether capture by motion requires a motion onset. Second, we show that the original empirical evidence in support of the motion onset claim (Abrams & Christ, 2003) put the motion-only condition at a critical disadvantage. We present a new experiment that demonstrates strong capture by motion in the absence of a motion onset, showing that motion onsets are not necessary for attention capture by dynamic events. Finally, we outline what is known about the set of dynamic events that capture attention.
机译:我们最近证明,与先前的发现相反,某些类型的不相关运动能够引起我们的注意(Franconeri&Simons,2003)。令人惊讶的是,尽管模拟隐约(物体尺寸的动态增加)引起了人们的注意,但模拟后退(物体尺寸的减小)却没有引起注意。 Abrams和Christ(2003,2005)对这一证据提供了不同的解释,认为在每种情况下,注意力都是通过运动的开始而不是通过运动本身来吸引的。他们认为,唯一发表的发现与他们的运动发作说明不一致的发现是我们的证据,即模拟的后退运动未能引起注意。 Abrams和Christ(2005)立体地呈现了一个后退对象,发现它确实引起了人们的注意,使他们得出结论:运动开始说明比我们的说明更能解释现有数据。我们的答复分为三个部分。首先,我们认为通过运动来捕获的证据很有趣,但与关于通过运动捕获是否需要运动开始的辩论无关。其次,我们证明了支持运动发作主张的原始经验证据(Abrams&Christ,2003)使仅运动状态处于严重不利地位。我们提出了一个新的实验,该实验演示了在没有运动发作的情况下通过运动进行强力捕获的情况,表明运动发作对于动态事件的注意力捕获不是必需的。最后,我们概述了有关引起注意的动态事件集的已知信息。



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