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Encountering the multiple semiotics of marshrutka surfaces - what can marshrutka decorations and advertisements tell us about its everyday actors?


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Marshrutka minibuses are in charge of providing daily transport services for millions of passengers in the post-Soviet space. In doing so, they shape the perception of public sphere and contribute to the production of community. In this sense, the interior design of marshrutka minibuses contribute to a number of publicly negotiated discourse formations on collective identity patterns, such as nationhood, memory culture, as well as folkloristic values. Drawing on empirical evidence from Kyrgyzstan and Russia, we try to deconstruct multiple layers of marshrutka signposts. In their heterogeneity and contrariness, the marshrutka semiotics unveil the minibuses as a place of encounter and conflict, where fluid social institutions are consistently calling for negotiation. Triggered by the question how cultural trajectories of identity are performed, we will choose a number of marshrutka messages like official licenses, advertisements or patriotic proverbs and analyse them in the local setting of application. The expected insight of this paper is twofold: firstly, we contextualise societal struggles, which are reproduced in everyday marshrutka encounter and secondly, we contribute to a better understanding of the mobility practice as such, pointing to general deficits in the broader marshrutka enterprise, read out from visualised statements in the social space of marshrutka.
机译:Marshrutka小巴负责为后苏联地区的数百万乘客提供日常运输服务。通过这样做,他们塑造了对公共领域的感知,并为社区的生产做出了贡献。从这个意义上说,马舍鲁特卡小巴的室内设计促成了许多关于集体身份模式的公开谈判的话语形式,例如国籍,记忆文化以及民俗价值观。借鉴吉尔吉斯斯坦和俄罗斯的经验证据,我们试图解构多层marshrutka路标。 Marshrutka符号学以其异质性和矛盾性,将小巴视为遭遇和冲突的场所,那里流动的社会机构一直在呼吁进行谈判。受到有关如何实现身份文化轨迹的问题的启发,我们将选择一些marshrutka消息,例如官方许可,广告或爱国谚语,并在本地应用程序中对其进行分析。本文的预期见解是双重的:首先,我们将社会斗争情境化,在每天的marshrutka遭遇中重现;其次,我们有助于更好地理解流动性实践,指出更广泛的marshrutka企业普遍存在缺陷,请阅读从marshrutka社交空间中的可视化陈述中脱颖而出。



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