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Ebsco's Tim Collins


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In the second installment of comer office,rnLJ interviews Tim Collins, president of EBSCO Publishing. Just out of college, he started Popular Magazine Review in 1984 with his stepfather. The tiny magazine abstracts company was snatched up in 1987 by EBSCO Industries, parent of EBSCO Subscription Services. Now, the company Collins has nurtured for over two decades ranks as one of the leading electronic publishers of article and reference databases. (See LJ 8/08 for the Corner Office kickoff, an interview with Patrick Sommers and John Barnes of reference/information giant Gale.)rnThe amiable Collins put EBSCO Publishing (EP) on the map through a combination of first-rate search and user-friendly interfaces, a long list of strategic acquisitions, and a dedicated, stable staff. In 1999, EP bought Novelist, then another small start-up, which connects readers with books. More recently, in 2007, he purchased Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life, two classic databases from ABC-CLIO, to which EP has started adding full text.
机译:在第二部分办公室,rnLJ采访了EBSCO Publishing总裁Tim Collins。刚大学毕业时,他就在1984年与继父一起创办了《大众杂志》。 1987年,EBSCO Subscription Services的母公司EBSCO Industries收购了这家小型杂志摘要公司。现在,柯林斯公司已经培养了超过二十年,是文章和参考数据库的领先电子出版商之一。 (请参阅LJ 8/08,了解角落办公室的启动情况,对参考/信息巨头Gale的Patrick Sommers和John Barnes的采访。)rn亲切的Collins通过一流的搜索和用户的组合将EBSCO Publishing(EP)放在了地图上友好的界面,大量的战略收购清单以及敬业,稳定的员工。在1999年,EP收购了Novelist,这是另一家小型初创企业,将读者与书籍联系在一起。最近,在2007年,他从ABC-CLIO购买了Historical Abstracts and America:History and Life,这是两个经典数据库,EP已开始在其中添加全文。



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