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CEO succession, strategic change, and post-succession performance: A meta-analysis


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The relationship between CEO succession and firm outcomes is often examined through the disruption or adaptation perspectives. These two perspectives, however, have evolved separately. We propose that findings from these separate streams of research can be integrated, and thus a more holistic understanding of CEO succession can be afforded, through focusing on the central factor responsible for their differences distinct temporal foci of these streams. The disruption perspective suggests CEO succession imposes costs on organizations, which influences short-term performance. The adaptation perspective suggests CEO succession requires time for effects to manifest, which implies a lagged effect on performance. Based on a meta analysis of 60 samples from 1972 to 2013 representing 13,578 successions, we find CEO succession negatively influences performance in the short-term and has no significant direct influence on long-term performance. Long-term performance effects, instead, are mediated by strategic change and new CEO origin (inside vs. outside the firm). Inside CEOs improve long-term performance and engage in less strategic change, while hiring an outside CEO leads to more strategic change that results in lower long-term performance. Forced or unforced turnover is not related to short- or long-term performance. Board independence influences relationships between forced turnover and firm performance, as well as CEO origin and strategic change. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:CEO继任与公司业绩之间的关系通常通过颠覆或适应的角度进行研究。但是,这两种观点是分别发展的。我们建议可以将来自这些不同研究流的发现进行整合,从而可以通过集中于负责这些流的不同时间焦点的差异的中心因素来提供对CEO继任的更全面的了解。从中断的角度来看,CEO继任会给组织带来成本,这会影响短期绩效。从适应角度来看,CEO继任需要时间才能显现出来,这意味着对绩效的滞后效应。基于对1972年至2013年的60个样本的荟萃分析,这些样本代表了13578个接班人,我们发现CEO接班人在短期内对业绩产生负面影响,而对长期业绩没有显着直接影响。相反,长期绩效影响是由战略变革和新CEO出身(公司内部与外部)共同作用的。内部首席执行官提高了长期绩效并减少了战略变革,而聘用外部首席执行官则导致了更大的战略变革,从而降低了长期绩效。强迫或非强迫离职与短期或长期业绩无关。董事会的独立性影响强迫离职与公司绩效之间的关系,以及首席执行官的出身与战略变革。 (C)2017 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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