首页> 外文期刊>Human Resource Management >Employees as Active Consumers of HRM: Linking Employees' HRM Competences with Their Perceptions of HRM Service Value

Employees as Active Consumers of HRM: Linking Employees' HRM Competences with Their Perceptions of HRM Service Value


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Recognizing the importance for companies of having high-quality employment relationships with employees, previous studies have sought to explain the variability in employees' perceptions of HRM service value. However, most of these studies view employees as inactive in employment relationships and, therefore, do not consider whether employees' own attributes affect their perceptions of HRM service value. In accepting the alternative notion that consumers create value in use, the current study regards employees as active consumers of HRM practices, and so examines the extent and way in which employees' HRM competences (i.e., knowledge, skills, and abilities) explain the variability in HRM service value. Based on data collected from 2,002 employees in 19 companies in the Netherlands, a positive relationship has been found between employees' HRM competences and their perception of HRM service value, albeit one that is mediated by the perceived quality and nonmonetary costs of HRM services. The main implication of our findings is that employees should be seen as active agents in employment relationships who, through coproducing and consuming HRM services as well as leveraging their knowledge and skills, influence the value of HRM services and have the potential to increase or undermine the outcomes of the employment relationship. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:认识到公司与员工建立高质量雇佣关系的重要性,以前的研究试图解释员工对HRM服务价值的看法的差异。但是,这些研究大多数都认为员工在雇佣关系中不活跃,因此,没有考虑员工的自身属性是否会影响他们对HRM服务价值的认识。在接受消费者创造使用价值的替代观念时,当前的研究将员工视为人力资源管理实践的积极消费者,因此研究了员工的人力资源管理能力(即知识,技能和能力)解释差异的程度和方式。在HRM服务价值中。根据从荷兰19家公司的2,002名员工收集的数据,发现员工的HRM能力与其对HRM服务价值的感知之间存在正相关关系,尽管这是由HRM服务的感知质量和非货币成本所介导的。我们研究结果的主要含义是,应将员工视为雇佣关系中的积极推动者,他们通过共同生产和消费HRM服务以及利用其知识和技能来影响HRM服务的价值,并有可能增加或破坏HRM服务的价值。雇佣关系的结果。 (c)2015年威利期刊有限公司



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