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Perioperative complications with rhBMP-2 in transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion


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Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) is commonly used as an ICBG substitute for transforaminal lumbar interbody spine fusion (TLIF). However, multiple recent reports have raised concerns regarding a substantial incidence of perioperative radiculopathy. Also, given the serious complications reported with anterior cervical BMP use, risks related to swelling and edema with TLIF need to be clarified. As TLIF related complications with rhBMP-2 have generally been reported in small series or isolated cases, without a clear denominator, actual complication rates are largely unknown. The purpose this study is to characterize perioperative complications and complication rates in a large consecutive series of TLIF procedures with rhBMP-2. We reviewed inpatient and outpatient medical records for a consecutive series of 204 patients [113 females, 91 males, mean age 49.3 (22–79) years] who underwent TLIF using rhBMP-2 between 2003 and 2007. Complications observed within a 3-month perioperative interval were categorized as to etiology and severity. Wound problems were delineated as wound infection, hematoma/seroma or persistent drainage/superficial dehiscence. Neurologic deficits and radiculopathies were analyzed to determine the presence of a clear etiology (screw misplacement) and identify any potential relationship to rhBMP-2 usage. Complications were observed in 47 of 204 patients (21.6%) during the 3-month perioperative period. Major complications occurred in 13 patients (6.4%) and minor complications in 34 patients (16.7%). New or more severe postoperative neurologic complaints were noted in 13 patients (6.4%), 6 of whom required additional surgery. These cases included one malpositioned pedicle screw and one epidural hematoma. In four patients (2.0%), localized seroma/hematoma in the area of the foramen caused neural compression, and required revision. In one additional patient, vertebral osteolysis caused foraminal narrowing and radiculopathy, but resolved without further surgery. Persistent radiculopathy without clear etiology on imaging studies was seen in six patients. Wound related problems were seen in six patients (2.9%), distributed as wound infection (3), hematoma/seroma (1) and persistent drainage/dehiscence (2). Overall, this study demonstrates a modest complication rate for TLIF using rhBMP-2. While perioperative complications which appeared specific to BMP usage were noted, they occurred infrequently. It will be necessary to weigh this incidence of complications against the complication rate associated with ICBG harvest and any differential benefit in obtaining a solid arthrodesis.
机译:骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)通常用作经椎间孔腰椎椎间融合器(TLIF)的ICBG替代品。但是,最近的许多报道引起了对围手术期神经根病大量发生的担忧。此外,鉴于使用前颈BMP引起的严重并发症,需要明确与TLIF肿胀和浮肿相关的风险。由于通常在小系列或孤立病例中报道了与rhBMP-2相关的TLIF相关并发症,但没有明确的分母,因此实际并发症发生率尚不清楚。这项研究的目的是在使用rhBMP-2进行的一系列大批量TLIF手术中表征围手术期并发症和并发症的发生率。我们回顾了2003年至2007年间使用rhBMP-2进行TLIF的连续204例患者(113例女性,91例男性,平均年龄49.3(22-79)岁)的住院和门诊医疗记录。在3个月内观察到的并发症围手术期根据病因和严重程度进行分类。伤口问题被描述为伤口感染,血肿/血清肿或持续引流/浅裂。分析神经功能缺损和神经根病,以确定是否存在明确的病因(螺钉错位),并确定与rhBMP-2使用的任何潜在关系。在3个月的围手术期中,有204例患者中有47例(21.6%)出现并发症。主要并发症发生在13例患者中(6.4%),次要并发症发生在34例患者中(16.7%)。 13例患者(6.4%)发现了新的或更严重的术后神经系统不适,其中6例需要额外的手术。这些病例包括一枚错位的椎弓根螺钉和一枚硬膜外血肿。在四名患者(2.0%)中,孔区域内的局部血清/血肿引起神经压迫,需要进行翻修。在另一名患者中,椎骨溶解引起椎间孔缩小和神经根病,但无需进一步手术即可解决。在影像学研究中未发现病因明确的持续性神经根病,有六例患者。与伤口相关的问题有6例(2.9%),分布为伤口感染(3),血肿/血清肿(1)和持续引流/裂开(2)。总的来说,这项研究表明使用rhBMP-2可使TLIF的并发症发生率适中。虽然注意到围手术期并发症似乎是针对BMP使用的,但很少发生。必须权衡这种并发症的发生率与与ICBG收获相关的并发症发生率以及获得固体关节固定术的任何不同收益之间的关系。



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