首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment >Physical Characteristics and the Effect of Boiling and Fermentation on the Nutritional Value of &i&Telfairia occidentalis&/i& Seeds

Physical Characteristics and the Effect of Boiling and Fermentation on the Nutritional Value of &i&Telfairia occidentalis&/i& Seeds

机译:物理特征及沸腾和发酵对&amp营养价值的影响; LT; I& Telfairia occidentalis& l ;; 种子



This work evaluates some physical parameters (the weight, length, diameter of fruits and seeds, number of seeds per fruit) and the effect of boiling and fermentation on the nutritional value of Telfairia occidentalis (fluted pumpkin) seeds. Firstly, a survey was done in the city of Yaounde on the different treatments applied to the seeds before cooking. From the results of the survey, the seeds were divided into three groups: raw, boiled and fermented. The moisture, lipid, protein, fibre, carbohydrate and ash contents were analysed using AOAC methods and minerals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results showed that T. occidentalis fruit averagely weighed 6.35 kg and contained about 90 seeds. The decorticated seeds had an ovoid shape, 3.70 cm long and weighed 8.91 g. Boiling led to an increase in lipid (16.29% - 31.44%) and carbohydrate (19.20% - 21.8%) but a decrease in protein (54.06% - 34.17%) contents. Fermentation increased the crude fibre (0.70% - 1.1%) but decreased the ash content (4.07% - 3.14% DM). Boiled seeds had higher calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, while fermented seeds had higher zinc levels. Boiling proved better in preserving most of the seed nutrients. These seeds could be used to prevent some mineral deficiencies and their high proteins suggest their potential for the formulation of infant foods.
机译:这项工作评估了一些物理参数(果实和种子的重量,长度,果实,种子数,种子数)以及沸腾和发酵对Telfairia occidentalis(凹凸南瓜)种子的营养价值的影响。首先,在玉米市在烹饪前对种子的不同治疗进行了一项调查。从调查结果中,种子分为三组:原料,煮沸和发酵。使用AOAC方法和矿物通过原子吸收分光光度法分析水分,脂质,蛋白质,纤维,碳水化合物和灰分。结果表明,T.Forcidentalis果实平均重6.35千克,含有约90种籽。滴定的种子具有卵形形状,长3.70厘米,重8.91克。沸腾导致脂质的增加(16.29% - 31.44%)和碳水化合物(19.20% - 21.8%),但蛋白质减少(54.06%-34.17%)含量。发酵增加了粗纤维(0.70% - 1.1%)但减少了灰分含量(4.07% - 3.14%DM)。煮熟的种子具有更高的钙,镁,钾和钠,而发酵的种子具有较高的锌水平。在保持大部分种子营养素方面可以更好地煮沸。这些种子可用于预防一些矿物质缺陷,并且它们的高蛋白质表明他们对婴儿食品的配制潜力。



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