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Calligraphic Forms in Contemporary Typographic Design




As we define the basic function of writing as transmission of thought and knowledge by the help of signs, typography is one step beyond this definition, in another meaning it is “arts/design making by writing” dimension. Previously, typography was used to define print technique made with metal letters which is developed by Gutenberg has developed in meaning at our times; it is qualified as an expertise field which takes artistic-graphical features of writing and punctuation as the main subject. Typography as a design element carries the idea of transferring knowledge and message in an understandable form and also being a style, a visual language, a different image idea. Letter as the most basic cornerstones of typography has abstracted basic abc structure by transforming from pictographic writing in the historical process. The basic element of the letter is strike and beatings and today's typographic characters have been formed at the end of a long evolution starting from handwriting. In this process, calligraphy as an important field which establishes the basic of typographic characters, creation of writing styles is defined as nice writing(calligraphy) arts. Calligraphic arrangements are classified according to several cultures taking place under 3 main titles as East, West and Islamic Calligraphy. Calligraphy with its variety presented in material used in application, with its liveliness and originality of arrangement has been a popular design element in many graphical products.



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