首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics: Conference Series >The effect of process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) model toward students’ logical thinking ability in mathematics

The effect of process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) model toward students’ logical thinking ability in mathematics




The ability of thinking logically needs to be developed due to the fact that it is an essential basic skill. But, the facts showed that students' logical thinking ability in mathematics still low. The aims of this research is to investigate the effect of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) model toward the students' logical thinking ability in mathematics. This research was conducted at one of Junior High School in Indonesia. In this research we set up a Quasi experimental design. The experimental groups were taught by Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) Model. The control group was taught in a conventional learning model. The population of this research are students from seventh grade. The sample of this research are 49 students, which consists of 24 students in experimental group and 25 students in control group. The results showed that students' logical thinking ability in mathematics which taught by Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning model are better than the students which taught by conventional learning model. Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Model can be applied as the innovative learning process to increase students' logical thinking ability in mathematics.



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