
Tech Tonic




The course of innovation has rarely run smooth. The 15th century Benedictine monk, Trimethius, was sceptical about the value of Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press: parchment lasted longer than paper, and monks, he claimed, were less likely to make transcribing errors than machines. More recent inventions such as the motorcar, the telephone and the iPhone received cool initial receptions — Western Union turned down Alexander Graham Bell and Gardiner Hubbard’s offer to sell them their patent, and the iPhone, was described as ‘a luxury bauble that will appeal to a few gadget freaks’.Healthcare technologies produce a range of interesting responses, too. At one end of the spectrum of opinion you can hear the sea water lapping around Canute’s sandals, while at the other there is an unshakeable belief that there is …
机译:创新过程很少顺利进行。 15世纪的本笃会修士Trimethius对约翰内斯·古登堡印刷机的价值持怀疑态度:羊皮纸的存续时间比纸张长,他声称,和尚比机器更容易抄写错误。诸如汽车,电话和iPhone之类的较新发明受到了最初的热烈欢迎-Western Union拒绝了Alexander Graham Bell和Gardiner Hubbard出售其专利的要约,而iPhone被描述为“一种豪华的摆设,将吸引一些小玩意儿。医疗技术也产生了一系列有趣的反应。在观点的一端,您可以听到Canute凉鞋周围的海水流淌,而在另一端,您可以坚定地相信……



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