首页> 外文期刊>RECIBE >Diseo e Implementacin de una Plataforma Digital para la Gestin de Tutoras y su Impacto en la Desercin de Estudiantes de Nivel Superior - Design and Implementation of a Digital Platform for the Management of Tutorials and their Impact on the Desertion of Higher Level Students

Diseo e Implementacin de una Plataforma Digital para la Gestin de Tutoras y su Impacto en la Desercin de Estudiantes de Nivel Superior - Design and Implementation of a Digital Platform for the Management of Tutorials and their Impact on the Desertion of Higher Level Students




En este artculo se describe la implementacin de una plataforma digital web para realizar la gestin tutorial en instituciones de educacin superior, y muestra los resultados preliminares de su aplicacin en estudiantes del Instituto Tecnolgico de Morelia. La plataforma ha sido desarrollada con el objeto de contribuir a la disminucin de los altos ndices de reprobacin y desercin, as como ampliar y facilitar el campo tutorial del docente, e incrementar la calidad y competitividad de los programas educativos. La implementacin de esta herramienta digital de gestin tutorial pretende contribuir a mejorar la relacin entre el docente y el estudiante a travs de chats personalizados y pblicos, de facilitar la obtencin de informacin acadmica del estudiante para tener un uso eficiente de la misma, y lograr que el estudiante tenga una mejor experiencia educativa que lo formar no slo como profesional altamente calificado, sino que tambin tendr una asertividad para participar de manera activa, organizada y responsable en la dinmica que le establezca la sociedad.Abstract: This article describes the implementation of a digital web platform for tutorial management in institutions of higher education, and shows the preliminary results of its application in students of the Morelia Institute of Technology. The platform has been developed with the aim of contributing to the reduction of the high rates of failure and desertion, as well as to expand and facilitate the tutorial field of the teacher, and to increase the quality and competitiveness of educational programs. The implementation of this digital tutorial management tool aims to contribute to improving the relationship between the teacher and the student through personalized and public chats, to facilitate the obtaining of academic information of the student to have an efficient use of the same, and to achieve that The student has a better educational experience that will not only form as a highly qualified professional, but will also have an assertiveness to participate actively, organized and responsible in the dynamics established by society.Keywords: Digital Platform, Tutorial Management, Desertion, Students.



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