首页> 外文期刊>Latin American Research Review >Undesired Presences: Samba, Improvisation, and Afro-politics in 1970s Brazil

Undesired Presences: Samba, Improvisation, and Afro-politics in 1970s Brazil




This article explores the role of the samba subgenre partido alto as a mode of resistance to modernization and the Brazilian military regimes disfiguration of samba music in the 1970s. This resistance ultimately led a handful of samba musicians to create the Grmio Recreativo de Arte Negra Escola de Samba Quilombo in 1975. While it is true that Quilombo nurtured Afro-Brazilian music and culture, the author demonstrates that its leader and cofounder, Antnio Candeia Filho, acted as a samba preservationist and a pioneer, referencing music of the African diaspora, but also as someone who drew the line when it came to espousing Pan-Africanism. The aversion to Pan-Africanism in Rio de Janeiros samba community heightened in the late 1970s, as Black Soul, among other foreign sounds and cultural presences, was perceived as a threat to the primacy of samba.ResumoEste ensaio estuda o papel do subgnero de samba partido-alto na resistncia modernizao e descaracterizao do samba durante o regime militar brasileiro na dcada de 1970. Tal resistncia estimulou um bom nmero de sambistas a fundar o Grmio Recreativo de Arte Negra Escola de Samba Quilombo em 1975. Embora o Quilombo tenha alimentado a msica e a cultura afro-brasileira, o autor demonstra que seu lder e cofundador, Antnio Candeia Filho, atuou como preservacionista e pioneiro do samba inspirando-se na msica da dispora africana, mas tambm como algum que estabeleceu limites quando se tratava de desposar o pan-africanismo. A averso ao pan-africanismo na comunidade do samba no Rio de Janeiro intensificou-se durante o final da dcada de 1970, quando o Black Soul, entre outros sons estrangeiros e presenas culturais, foi percebido como ameaa primazia do samba.
机译:本文探讨了桑巴舞亚体中音的作用,作为抵制现代化和1970年代巴西军事政权变相桑巴舞音乐的一种模式。这种抗拒最终导致了少数桑巴舞音乐家在1975年创作了《萨尔瓦多·桑卢·基隆博艺术重生》。尽管Quilombo确实培养了非洲裔巴西人的音乐和文化,但作者证明了其领导者和联合创始人安东尼奥·坎迪亚·菲洛(Anntio Candeia Filho) ,是桑巴舞的保存主义者和先驱,他引用了非洲侨民的音乐,但他还是一位拥护泛非主义的人。 1970年代末期,里约热内卢桑巴社区对泛非主义的厌恶加剧,因为黑魂(Black Soul)和其他外国声音和文化存在被视为对桑巴的首要地位的威胁.ResumoEste ensaio estuda o papel do subgnero de samba 1970年在巴西的军事政权中赢得了部分桑巴杜兰特政权。在1975年,全国反腐败运动基金会获得了批准。1975年,西班牙桑巴基隆博尔市政总局。巴西黑人文化基金会,共同资助人,安东尼奥·坎迪亚·菲略,安东尼·科普保护区,皮亚内罗·皮恩内罗·皮纳罗·皮纳罗·波西米亚,非洲裔美国人,马斯·坦布姆·科姆·阿尔萨姆·德·波萨雷斯非洲主义。 1970年在巴西的里约热内卢进行全面反恐的杜邦人,最后一次在达卡达州沦陷,对黑人灵魂进行全面反击,在历史上也对儿子们产生了深远的影响。



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