首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Information Technology >Manipulation of Ideological Items in the Audiovisual Translation of Voiced-Over Documentaries in the Arab World

Manipulation of Ideological Items in the Audiovisual Translation of Voiced-Over Documentaries in the Arab World




In a widely globalized world, the influence of audiovisual translation on the culture and identity of audiences is unmistakable. However, in the Arab World, there is a noticeable disproportion between this growing influence and the research carried out in the field. As a matter of fact, the voiced-over documentary is one of the most abundantly translated genres in the Arab World that carries lots of ideological elements which are in many cases rendered by manipulation. However, voiced-over documentaries have hardly received any focused attention from researchers in the Arab World. This paper attempts to scrutinize the process of translation of voiced-over documentaries in the Arab World, from French into Arabic in the present case study, by sub-categorizing the ideological items subject to manipulation, identifying the techniques utilized in their translation and exploring the potential extra-linguistic factors that prompt translation agents to opt for manipulative translation. The investigation is based on a corpus of 94 episodes taken from a series entitled 360° GEO Reports, produced by the French German network ARTE in French, and acquired, translated and aired by Al Jazeera Documentary Channel for Arab audiences. The results yielded 124 cases of manipulation in four sub-categories of ideological items, and the use of 10 different oblique procedures in the process of manipulative translation. The study also revealed that manipulation is in most of the instances dictated by the editorial line of the broadcasting channel, in addition to the religious, geopolitical and socio-cultural peculiarities of the target culture.
机译:在一个广泛全球化的世界中,视听翻译对观众的文化和身份的影响是显而易见的。但是,在阿拉伯世界中,这种日益增长的影响力与在该领域进行的研究之间存在明显的不均衡。实际上,配音的纪录片是阿拉伯世界中翻译最丰富的类型之一,带有许多意识形态元素,在许多情况下是通过操纵来呈现的。但是,配音的纪录片几乎没有得到阿拉伯世界研究人员的集中关注。本文试图通过对意识形态项目进行分类,识别在翻译过程中所使用的技术并探索其适用范围,来仔细研究本案例研究中阿拉伯世界中由配音纪录片从法语到阿拉伯语的翻译过程。潜在的语言外因素,促使翻译人员选择操纵翻译。调查基于94集的语料库,该集选自法国德国网络ARTE以法语制作的,名为“ 360°GEO报告”的系列节目,并由半岛电视台纪录片频道为阿拉伯观众获取,翻译和播出。结果产生了124例在意识形态项目的四个子类别中进行操纵的案例,并在操纵翻译过程中使用了10种不同的倾斜程序。该研究还表明,除了目标文化的宗教,地缘政治和社会文化特点外,在大多数情况下,操纵是由广播频道的编辑部规定的。



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