首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems >Study and Implementation of MUX Based FPGA in QCA Technology

Study and Implementation of MUX Based FPGA in QCA Technology




This paper presents a simple Multiplexer based Field programmable gate arrays with interconnects based on quantum cellular automata technology. Quantum cellular automata (QCA) technology is a promising nanotechnology of the future. QCA based 4:1 Multiplexer are designed and constructed as a module in a FPGA. Multiplexer based designs are used to implement complex Boolean functions and each module can act as a logic element or simple Multiplexer. We have studied here, NOR based logic to implement Sum function of an adder in a QCA FPGA. Finally we have designed and simulated the MUX based logic elements to construct QCA FPGA. This study can be useful for building complex Configurable logic blocks to design a complete FPGA.
机译:本文提出了一种基于量子细胞自动机技术的具有互连的简单多路复用器现场可编程门阵列。量子细胞自动机(QCA)技术是未来有希望的纳米技术。基于QCA的4:1多路复用器被设计并构建为FPGA中的模块。基于多路复用器的设计用于实现复杂的布尔函数,并且每个模块都可以充当逻辑元素或简单的多路复用器。我们在这里研究了基于NOR的逻辑,以在QCA FPGA中实现加法器的求和功能。最后,我们设计并仿真了基于MUX的逻辑元件,以构建QCA FPGA。这项研究对于构建复杂的可配置逻辑模块以设计完整的FPGA很有用。



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