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Overactive Bladder Syndrome: Evaluation and Management




Overactive bladder (OAB) syndrome is a chronic medical condition which has a major influence on the quality of life in a significant amount of the population. OAB affects performance of daily activities and has an estimated prevalence of 16.5%. Many sufferers do not seek medical help. Moreover, many family physicians and even gynecologists are not familiar with this issue. Usually patients suffer from OAB in advanced age. Nocturia is reported as the most bothersome symptom in the elderly population. The aim of our review was to discuss all aspects of this challenging disorder and suggest tools for assessment and management strategies. Practitioners can easily overlook urinary complains if they not directly queried. We would like to encourage practitioners to give more attention to this issue.
机译:膀胱过度活动症(OAB)综合征是一种慢性医学疾病,对大量人口的生活质量产生重大影响。 OAB影响日常活动的进行,估计患病率为16.5%。许多患者不寻求医疗帮助。而且,许多家庭医生甚至妇科医生都不熟悉这个问题。通常患者在高龄时患有OAB。据报道,夜尿症是老年人中最令人讨厌的症状。我们的审查目的是讨论这种挑战性疾病的所有方面,并提出评估和管理策略的工具。如果不直接询问从业者,他们很容易忽略泌尿道疾病。我们希望鼓励从业者更多地关注这个问题。



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