首页> 外文期刊>Algorithmica >On Locating Disjoint Segments with Maximum Sum of Densities

On Locating Disjoint Segments with Maximum Sum of Densities


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Given a sequence A of n real numbers and two positive integers l and k, where k £ fracnlkleq frac{n}{l} , we study the problem of locating k disjoint segments of A, each of length at least l, such that the sum of their densities is maximized. The best previously known algorithm, due to Bergkvist and Damaschke, runs in O(nl+k 2 l 2) time. In this paper, we propose an O(n+k 2 llog l)-time algorithm for it. We also give an optimal algorithm for a related problem raised by Lin et al. in 2003, where the goal is to locate k disjoint maximum-density segments in a given sequence.
机译:给定n个实数和两个正整数l和k的序列A,其中k£fracnlkleq frac {n} {l},我们研究了定位A的k个不相交的段(每个长度至少为l)的问题,使得它们的密度之和最大。由于Bergkvist和Damaschke,以前最好的已知算法以O(nl + k 2 l 2 )时间运行。本文提出了一种O(n + k 2 llog l)时间算法。我们还针对Lin等人提出的相关问题给出了一种最佳算法。在2003年,目标是按给定顺序定位k个不相交的最大密度线段。



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