首页> 中文期刊>苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版) >澳大利亚家园建构中的“祛魅”自然观反思*--解读大卫·马洛夫小说《柯洛溪边的对话》




The dimension of nature (how to come to terms with nature) is an essential part of home-making for white Australian settlers.In his eighth novel The Conversations at Curlow Creek,Malouf explores the white Aus-tralian”s disenchantment of nature in their home-making.He presents two types of nature in the novel:the exqui-site Irish Park and the empty Australian wilderness.Because it is disenchanted,the former belongs to the category of made nature,all in the control of man,and makes man sentimentally attached and always cherishing.While the latter makes man anxious,because it refuses to be disenchanted,belongs to the category of unmade nature,out of the control of man.By this comparison,the novelist makes a further analysis and reflection of the disenchantment of nature in Australian home-making,considering it as in essence to put nature entirely into the frame of human by means of instrumental reason and to make it useful for human beings.It is essentially a human-centered view of na-ture,which leads to the breakage of the relation between man and nature,and made home-making a distant and in-accessible dream.%自然维度是家园建构的重要维度之一,澳大利亚著名小说家大卫·马洛夫在小说《柯洛溪边的对话》中对澳大利亚家园建构中常见的“祛魅”自然观进行了探讨。马洛夫在作品中为读者呈现了两种自然———精致美丽的爱尔兰庭园与空阔寂寥的澳大利亚荒野。前者是“祛魅”成功的自然,一切在人的掌控之中,因此令人眷恋和怀念;而澳大利亚荒野既空且阔,是“祛魅”不成功的自然,让人焦虑恐惧。作家藉此对“祛魅”自然观进行了反思,认为其实质是用工具理性将自然完全纳入人类的框架之中,使之为人所用,本质上是一种人类中心主义自然观,它导致了人与自然之间的关系的断裂,而“家园”也因此成了一个遥不可及的梦想。



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