


The origin of the north latitude 38th Parallel has its deep historical and social root. As early as the end of 19th century, it has caused high concern of governments at stake in Northeast Asia. At the end of World War Ⅱ , the United States and the Soviet Union had consulted for many times on the demands that the Soviet would have joined the war with Japan and strategic arrangement on the Northeast Asia after the War. Although two sides did not discuss special problem that the Korean Peninsula was bounded by the 38th parallel, this did not mean that the origin of the 38th parallel was purely by accident. On the contrary, both sides have been privy to this problem. So the Soviet have accepted Americans, proposal immediately which two sides accepted the surrender of Japanese to the 38th parallel for demarcation line in the Korean Peninsula.%分裂朝鲜半岛的三八线的由来,有其深刻的社会历史背景。早在19世纪末就已引起东北亚地区利益攸关的各国政府的高度关注。二战末期,美苏双方就苏军参加对日作战的条件以及战后东北亚地区的战略安排问题进行过多次磋商。因此,尽管关苏双方没有就以三八线为界分割朝鲜半岛问题进行过专门讨论,但这并非意味着三八线的由来纯属偶然。相反,这是因为双方早已报出了自己要价的底牌,即使不进行专门磋商,双方各自对对方的意图也都心有灵犀。所以,美国人提议以三八线为双方在朝鲜半岛接收日军投降的分界线,苏联方面立即表示接受。



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