首页> 中文期刊>贵州大学学报(社会科学版) >“单性异体”与“两性合体”:从女娲神话到伏羲女娲神话考论




Nvwa and Fuxi are important figures in Chinese ancient mythology.These two figures often ap-peared together as a couple,with a great degree of closeness.The formative process of the myth about Nvwa and Fuxi has some historical characteristics and inherent laws:At first,the creation of Nvwa Myth was based on the law of “single variant”,and Nvwa became the creator of the Chinese nation.Later,to adapt to the social devel-opmental pattern,the main character,Nvwa,in the myth was combined with Fuxi under the law of “sexual chi-meras”,in which Nvwa had become the spouse god of Fuxi.With the increasing consolidation of male power, Fuxi became the ancestor of the civilization and the top of the “Three Sovereigns”,whose social position kept ris-ing.The developing venation of Nvwa and Fuxi in the mythology intersects in a complex network.They are inde-pendent and combined as a whole as well.It is helpful to explore the historical significance and national cultural spirit embodied in the Chinese mythologies by clearing the evolution of Nvwa and Fuxi mythology and analyzingthe causative factors and contents of the two myths appearing at different stages.%女娲与伏羲是我国上古神话内容体系中的重要人物,且二者经常相伴出现,粘合度甚高。女娲伏羲神话的形成演变具有一定的历史特点及内在规律,即女娲神话最初以“单性异体”的形貌出现,成为中华民族的创世始祖神;后与社会发展形态适应,出现伏羲女娲相结合的“两性合体”神话,女娲成为伏羲的配偶神;随着男性权力的日益巩固,伏羲成为文明时代的先祖,演变为“三皇”之首,地位不断升高。女娲神话与伏羲神话的发展脉络彼此交错,既自为一体又相互结合。梳理其演变轨迹,分析二神神话不同阶段出现的原因及内涵,有助于探索中国神话的历史文化意蕴及其民族文化精神。



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