首页> 中文期刊> 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 >当代美国拉美裔移民贫困问题探析∗




With the forceful development of post⁃WWII economy as well as accelerating urbanization, the United States has been at⁃tracting large quantities of immigrants from a variety of continents including the Latin America. At the onset of 21st century, Hispanic immigrants have been endowed as the first largest minority group. However, urban poverty of Hispanics is increasingly in the spotlight among the American general public. Besides some subjective and objective factors which restrict their development, the distinctive so⁃cio⁃economic structure of the US community clamps down on the upward mobility of Hispanics. The thesis starts from an introduction to Hispanic urban poverty and meanwhile rationally structures the US education, economy, society and politics. Through numerous re⁃search reports as well as data, application of historiography, sociological statistics, as well as economics theories, this thesis tries to outline a detailed dissection of the internal agents impoverishing the Hispanic.%随着战后经济以及城市化的高速发展,美国吸引了包括拉丁美洲在内的无数国家和地区的移民。截至21世纪初,拉美裔移民已经成为美国战后第一大少数族裔。拉美裔长期以来的城市贫困问题也渐渐成为人们关注的焦点。除了若干主客观因素在很大程度上制约了他们在物质和精神生活方面的提高之外,美国独特的社会、经济结构也对拉美裔移民摆脱贫困和向上流动起到了钳制作用。本文从拉美裔移民的城市贫困现状入手,在理性认识美国独特的社会、经济、教育、政治结构的同时,采用大量研究资料和相关数据,运用历史学、社会学和经济学相关理论和方法对拉美裔移民贫困的内在成因做出解析。



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