首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >李堪印教授中药治疗进行性骨干发育不良




李堪印教授根据就诊患者的临床特点将进行性骨干发育不良归属于痹证范畴,以中医基础理论为指导,认为正虚不足是其根本病因,阴虚内热是当前主要症状的直接原因;正气不足、脾胃失和,气血运行不畅,无以濡养筋骨;元阴亏虚,阴虚生内热,内热蒸腾,热蒸于外,虚汗外出,复感时邪,痹阻经络,致气血瘀滞为其病机。辨证施治,以补肾滋阴、益气活血为治则,兼以健脾和胃,运用当归六黄汤和黄芪桂枝五物汤加减,标本兼治,前期以黄柏、生地黄和知母等寒凉之品清除内外虚热,后期以枸杞子、山茱萸和续断等温热之品补益肝肾,并酌以秦艽祛风通络。%Professor LI Kanyin considers that:It belongs to the arthralgia syndrome. Taking the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine as a guide and combining with the general situation and history,Professor LI suggests that the root cause is the positive deficiency and the direct etiology of the current main symptoms is yin asthenia generating intrinsic heat. Its pathogenesises are the fact that the deficiency of vital qi,spleen and stomach disharmony,and Qi and blood circulation that is not smooth,can not moisten the muscles and bones;Yuan Yin deficiency,yin asthenia genera-ting intrinsic heat,heat transpiration,steaming hot at outside,sweating out,additionally influenced by pathogen,and Bizu meridian,cause the stagnation of Qi and blood. Then based on syndrome differentiation,taking tonifying kidney essence,nourishing yin,supplementing qi and activating blood circulation to the rule,and to invigorate the spleen and stomach,Professor LI uses Danggui Liuhuang Decoction and Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Decoction to increase or reduce the Chinese medicinal herbs,in order to address both the symptoms and root cause. In the early stage Professor LI re-moves internal and external heat in application of Golden Cypress,Radix Rehmanniae Recen and Rhizoma Anemarrhe-nae and other cold herbs;in late phrase,tonifys the liver and kidney with the use of Medlar,Fructus corni and Radix Dipsaci and other warm herbs,employing Fraxinus bungeana to dispelling wind and removing obstruction in the meridi-ans.



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