首页> 中文期刊>对外经济贸易大学学报:国际商务版 >从跨文化视角分析中美商务谈判风格差异




在跨文化谈判中,不同地域、民族、文化的差异会影响到谈判者的思维、谈判风格和行为,从而影响到整个谈判的进程。中美双方在谈判中所表现出来的风格不同,这种风格上的差异深深地根植于各自的文化之中,是由于双方的谈判者来自两种不同文化背景,存在着不同的价值观和思维方式造成的。本文旨在从跨文化视角探讨中关商务谈判风格的差异。将运用经典跨文化沟通理论,结合谈判的基本特性及相关理论,归纳影响中关谈判风格的八个文化变量:谈判目标、谈判态度、个人风格、交流方式、时间观念、合同形式、决策方式以及冒险程度,并以此为“跨文化谈判风格框架”,结合案例对中关谈判风格进行深入的对比研究。%In cross-cultural business negotiations, regional, national, and cultur- al differences account for differences in thinking patterns, negotiating styles and behaviors of negotiators, thus influencing the process of negotiations. One of the important reasons why Chinese and Americans demonstrate different negotiating styles is that they come from different cultural backgrounds, having different val- ues and ways of thinking. This paper attempts to explore the differences between Chinese and Americans in business negotiation style from the cross-cultural per- spective. By employing the relevant classical cross-cultural communication theo- ries and the business negotiation theories, the author will analyze the Sino-Ameri- can difference in negotiating style from the angle of the following eight vari- ables: goal, attitude, personal style, communication, time sensitivity, agreement form, decision-making and risk-taking. An in-depth comparative study of the Chi- nese and American business negotiation styles will be conducted based on such a "cross-cultural negotiation style framework" and a typical case will be selected.



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