
The use of the ACRLMetrics Service: results of a survey




Clearly the users of ACRLMetrics are finding the new online service to be of real value. The ability to select a group of peer libraries as well as selecting specific data elements to be included in an ad hoc report provides a tool that is directly in control of and is responsive to the needs of the user. The dominant reason for the use of ACRLMetrics is to benchmark a group of peer libraries in order to ask for additional budget allocations or to defend the current budget. In some cases, the data is being used to defend requests to cut budgets, collections, and staff. A few libraries are using the data to prepare self-study accreditation reports. Academic libraries spend considerable amounts of time and other resources responding to requests to complete surveys. The value of data in each survey is not obtained by reporting it but by consistently using the data reported by a library and comparing it to a set of peer libraries. The value of data comes from analysis and using the data to present a compelling case for the role of the library in today's competitive environment.



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