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Nature的相关文献在1983年到2022年内共计669篇,主要集中在肿瘤学、信息与知识传播、轻工业、手工业 等领域,其中期刊论文667篇、会议论文2篇、相关期刊329种,包括中国科技期刊研究、海外英语(中)、生物技术通报等; 相关会议2种,包括2007年全国模式识别学术会议、第二届中国科技期刊青年编辑学术研讨会等;Nature的相关文献由533位作者贡献,包括米利都、Abdul Hameed M. Jawad Alobaidy、Bahram K. Maulood等。



论文:667 占比:99.70%


论文:2 占比:0.30%





  • 米利都
  • Abdul Hameed M. Jawad Alobaidy
  • Bahram K. Maulood
  • 本刊编辑部
  • 汪开治
  • Haider S. Abid
  • 周凌
  • 墨宏山
  • 张吉强
  • 张悌
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文




    • 尚媛媛; 张琳; 曹喆; 赵文静; 黄颖
    • 摘要: [目的/意义]探究中国高水平综合性学术期刊论文(简称"高水平期刊论文")的合作特征与影响力,有助于明确适合我国开展高水平科学研究的合作模式,推进高水平研究的发展.[方法/过程]借助比较分析和回归分析,在划分不同合著规模的基础上,探究中美Nature、Science论文的合作与影响力特征以及二者之间的关系.[结果/结论]中国大规模合著明显,较依赖国际合作且参与率、主导率均较低,而美国较多以小规模合著和非国际合作的方式发表论文,参与率和主导率较高;中国高学术/网络社会影响力论文占比均较高,但这些论文多以大规模合著、国际合作的方式完成;作者/国家数量对论文影响力有一定影响,但并非作者/国家数量越多,影响力越高,合作方式与合作对象更为重要,国际合作、同美国合作对论文影响力有积极作用.
    • Eleni Ilia
    • 摘要: The indisputable pedagogical power of literature,since it evokes experiences as a consequence of the creative role of the reader,constitutes a valuable ally of the teacher.In literary texts,persons are carriers of ideas and values.As we identify with them,we capture their ideas and values in the most effective way.Especially for younger readers,who find it difficult to understand abstract concepts,this mode of transmission could be considered ideal,provided that a didactic approach is chosen that will allow students to express their reading impressions from contact with texts.Thus,special characteristics of each student-reader will emerge,as well as new elements of the literary work itself,which is inexhaustible.Regarding the transmission of ideas and values in Nursery School through literature,we cite two cases.The first seeks to raise the awareness of toddlers about the right of every child to grow up carefree and safe in a family environment.The text chosen to achieve the above goal is The Little Match Girl by Andersen.Stimulated by the emblematic,timeless heroine,who tries to warm herself by lighting her matches one by one,toddlers create original narrative texts,looking for a family for her.They present her observing the people around her and dreaming of a family life near them.In the second case,in order for students to realize the importance of the natural world for man,the content and accuracy of an easily understood passage from the work Report to Greco,by Kazantzakis,is used in teaching.Toddlers who are asked to retell the passage in the classroom replace themselves with the student asking for a break in order to enjoy better a bird singing.Thus,they consolidate the essential relationship with nature,which,as the author’s experience,arises from the whole of his work.
    • WANG Peng-fei; CHEN Si-yu
    • 摘要: Moment in Peking written by Chinese American writer Lin Yutang,follows the life of an extended upper-class Beijing family from the time of the Boxer uprising in 1900 to the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937.It is both a depiction of the daily life of a Chinese family,and a chronicle of the political and social changes sweeping China during that period.This novel takes Taoism as the philosophical backdrop,and the concept of“Life passes like a dream”as the theme,revealing the struggles and vicissitudes of Yao Mulan and her father Yao Sian.It is a unique way for Lin Yutang to interpret the Taoism and the Taoist way to follow the nature.
    • 摘要: 2022年6月27日,Nature Methods期刊在线发表了我校郝海平/叶慧团队的最新研究工作成果(Cyclic immonium ion of lactyllysine reveals widespread lactylation in the human proteome)。
    • 谢翠曼; 石颖; 卢诗丽
    • 摘要: Nature是科学界普遍关注的、国际性、跨学科的周刊类杂志,具有独创性、及时性、权威性等特点,是一本重要的学术交流刊物。本研究采用功能目的论,从Nature杂志中选取医学领域的论文对其摘要进行研究,从而得出相关的翻译原则和技巧,以促进学术交流。
    • 摘要: Nature Genetics|基因一维序列的三维基因组构象预测人类约2 m长的线性基因组如何动态折叠在微米级的细胞核内并完成各种生物学功能,是一个没有解决的重要科学问题。遗传学研究提示染色体的一维序列信息决定了染色体的三维构象。但是,人们对其背后的机理仍然知之甚少。2022年5月12日,Nature Genetics发表了美国得克萨斯大学西南医学中心的Jian Zhou教授关于三维基因组架构的深度学习模型(doi:10.1038/s41588-022-01065-4)。
    • 王燚
    • 摘要: 主动语态与被动语态的差异是英汉语言最显著的差异之一。由于科技文本需要简洁明了地阐述某个事实或对某一观点进行说明,被动语态的使用是必不可少的,这样才能体现文本的科学性和准确性。因此该文以世界上历史悠久且最有名望的科学杂志之一——《Nature》为例,从接受美学视域出发,着重探讨了科技英语中被动语态的汉译技巧,以及在科技英语汉译过程中如何利用“接受美学”这一理念,提升读者的阅读体验。
    • ZENG Xianghong; CHEN Zheng
    • 摘要: Environment description can be used as a hint to foreshadow the plot development of a literary work.This article aims to analyze the inevitability of the boy’s tragedy based on the description on natural and social environment.The author contrasts the beauty of life in nature with people’s indifference to life in society,reflecting the value of life,the distortion and alienation of religion,the utilitarianism of the society,which creates dramatic tension for the reader and provokes deep thought.
    • 赵亮
    • 摘要: The Call of the Wild,one of the most popular novels in the early twentieth-century America,is the first best-selling book of Jack London.As far as this novel is concerned,the main character Buck represents nature.He deals with all kinds of peo⁃ple.The good treat Buck(nature)very well and live harmoniously with him.The evil treat Buck(nature)maliciously,just like fight⁃ing against their enemies.This novel shows the damages people did to nature and the imbalance between human being and nature.The author’s ecological awareness finds its full expression in the novel.The relationship between human and nature in the novel will be analyzed from the perspective of eco-criticism and the ecological theme of the novel will be discussed in a bid to arouse peo⁃ple’s ecological consciousness and environmental protection awareness.
    • Yi Liu
    • 摘要: Wordsworth is the leading figure of English Romanticism in the 19th century and the most famous poet among the“Lake Poets”.He ushers in a new era of Romanticism for the English literature,and also exerts a great influence on the world literature.Most of his poems are about the natural scenery from which he explores its impact on human’s soul,so he has been regarded as“a poet of nature”.This thesis reveals the formation of the poet’s romantic view of nature and its demonstrations by analyzing one of his famous poems The Daffodils.
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