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蚱总科的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计114篇,主要集中在昆虫学、动物学、植物保护 等领域,其中期刊论文112篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献5篇;相关期刊31种,包括商丘师范学院学报、湖北大学学报(自然科学版)、昆虫学报等; 相关会议1种,包括第七届全国昆虫区系分类与多样性学术研讨会等;蚱总科的相关文献由82位作者贡献,包括郑哲民、邓维安、韦仕珍等。



论文:112 占比:94.12%


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论文:5 占比:4.20%





  • 郑哲民
  • 邓维安
  • 韦仕珍
  • 蒋国芳
  • 李晓东
  • 欧晓红
  • 石福明
  • 毛本勇
  • 谢令德
  • 林敏平
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 滕彩丽; 刘晴; 程宇萌; 胡传豪; 李俊翰; 张佑祥; 黄兴龙; 朱爱华
    • 摘要: 2020年8月至2021年7月,对湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州地区的蚱总科Tetrigoidea昆虫进行初步调查,结合吉首大学生物标本馆馆藏标本,共发现蚱总科昆虫4科12属22种,其中11种为湖南省新纪录种。区系分析结果表明,湘西地区蚱总科昆虫区系成分以东洋界为主,占所有种类的81.82%;广布种次之,占18.18%。在中国动物地理区系中,湘西地区蚱总科昆虫有6种分布型,以华中区–华南区–西南区型分布为主(占36.36%),其次是华中区(占31.81%),往北部和东北部逐渐减少,东北区和蒙新区则无分布。
    • 辛磊; 谭柳苏; 容万韬; 张荣娇; 李晓东; 邓维安
    • 摘要: 本研究利用扫描电镜对蚱总科27种昆虫的雌性个体尾须感受器的超微结构进行了描述和分析.结果显示,在选取的蚱总科昆虫中,共观察到毛形感受器、锥形感受器、钟形感受器、表皮孔、角质齿、芽孢感受器、腔形感受器和腔锥形感受器8种感受器.其中毛形感受器、表皮孔、芽孢感受器、钟形感受器4种感受器普遍存在尾须上.聚类分析结果显示,当欧式距离为2时,27种蚱聚为六类;支序分析显示27种蚱的尾须感受器的系统发育可分为三支.
    • 郝会文; 鲍敏; 柯君; 李雷雷; 旦智措; 马存新; 陈振宁
    • 摘要: 于2014年7—10月以及2015—2017年每年的5—10月对青海省的蝗虫进行了系统调查,查阅了青海师范大学标本馆、中国科学院动物研究所标本馆、陕西师范大学标本馆采集自青海省的蝗虫标本,结合前人的研究成果,发现青海蝗虫14个新纪录种并进行概括.
    • 郑哲民; 杨瑞
    • 摘要: A total sixty-four species of Bolivaritettix Gunther occuring in China were systematically researched in this paper.Three species Bolivaritettix fenkaiensis sp.nov.Bolivasritettix longidorsalis sp.nov.and Bolivaritettix bidentatus sp.nov.are described as new to science .Synonymy , description and a key to species are presented . The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology , Shaanxi Normal University . 1.Bolivaritettix fenkaiensis sp.nov.( Figs.1-4) This new species is allied to Bolivaritettix circocephala Zheng, 1992, but differs in: 1 ) hind process of pronotum surpassing the top of hind femur;2 ) upper margin of poronotum wave like before shoulders and straight behind shoulders in profile;3 ) without a pair short longitudinal keels between shoulders;4 ) width of midfemur equal the width of tegmen .;5 ) lower out side of hind femur black . Length of body:♀10 mm;length of pronotum:♀10 mm;length of hind femur:♀6mm. Holotype ♀, Guangdong:Fengkai, 23°4′N, 111°5′E, 3-VII-2014, collected by Yang Rui. Etymology:The specific name is derived from the type locality “Fenkai”. Etymology:The specific name is derived from the Latin “long” and “dorsalis”. 2.Bolivaritettix longidorsalis sp.nov.(Figs.5-8) This new species is allied to Bolivaritettix sculptus ( Bolivar , 1887 ) , but differs in:1 ) width of vertex l .42 times the width of an eye;2) vertex and frontal ridge forming an obtuse rounded angle in profile;3) hind process surpassing the top of hind tibia;4) hind wing reqaching the top of hind process;5) lower margin of fore and mid-femura with two teeth;6) hind tibia black with two light rings . Length of body:♀11 mm;length of pronotum:♀16 mm;length of hind femur:♀5 mm. Holotype ♀, Guangdong:Fengkai, 23°4′N, 111°5′E, 3-VII-2014, collected by Yang Rui. 3.Bolivaritettix bidentatus sp.nov.( Figs.9-10) This new species is allied to Bolivaritettix circeph Zheng et Shi, 2010, but differs in:1) width of vertex l.44 times the width of an eye;2) vertex and frontal ridge forming a right angle in profile;3) antennae inserted under the lower margins of eyes;4 ) hind process surpassing the top of hind femur shorter;5 ) width of midfemur equal the width of tegmen;6) lower margin of midfemur straight;7) first and third tarsus equal in length;8) lower outer side of hind femur black . Length of body:♂11-11.5 mm; length of pronotum: ♂11.5-12mm; length of hind femur: ♂8 -8.5 mm. Holotype ♂, Hainan:Changjiang, 19°2′N, 109°1′E, 13-VI-20010, collected by Qiu Ming;paratype 1♂,same data as holotype . Etymology:The specific name is derived from the Latin “bi” and dentata .%对中国波蚱属进行了系统研究,记述67种,内有3新种,即封开波蚱Boliveritettix fenkaiensis sp. nov.、长背波蚱Bolivaritettix longidorsalis sp.nov.及二齿波蚱Bolivaritettix bidentatus sp.nov.附有中国波蚱属分种检索表,分布及引证.新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.
    • 郑哲民
    • 摘要: A taxonomy of the genra Xistra Bolivar and Teredorus Hancock from China are revised , amony then two new species are described , i.e.Xistra shilinensis sp.nov., and Teredorus longidorsalis sp.nov. The Xistra shilinensis sp.nov.is allied to Xistra wuyishanensis Zheng&Zeng, 2011, but differs in:1)antennae inserted just below the lower margin of eyes;2)lateral margin of frontal ridge upper narrower and lower broader;3)with a pair of short parallel longitudinal keels between shoulders;4)hind process reaching one third of hind tibia;5)hind margin of subgenital plate of female with three process;6) lower outer side of hind femur with two black spots;7) hind tibia black, with two light rings in the middle . The Teredorus longidorsalis sp.nov.is allied to Teredorus guangxiensis Zheng et Shi, 2003, but differs in:1) width of longitudinal furrow of frontal ridge narrower than the width of basal segment of antenna ; 2 ) antennae inserted just below the lower margin of eyes;3 ) with a pair indistinct of short oblique longitudinal keels between shoulders; 4 ) hind process reaching the top of hind tibia;5 ) length of the first segment of hind tarsus slightly longer than the third;6)length of upper valvulae 3 times its width;7)middle of posterior margin of subgenital plate of female triangularly projecting;8 ) hind tibia black , with two white rings in the middle . The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology , Shaanxi Normal University .%系统记述中国狭蚱属种类18种,尖顶蚱属种类30种,包括二新种,即石林狭蚱Xistra shilinensis sp. nov.和长背尖顶蚱Teredorus longidorsaslis sp.nov.石林狭蚱近似于武夷山狭蚱Xistra wuyishanensis Zheng & Zeng,2011,主要区别为:1)触角刚着生于复眼下缘之下;2)颜面隆起侧缘上狭下宽;3)肩部之间具一对短而平行的纵隆线;4)前胸背板后突到达后足胫节1/3处;5)雌性下生殖板后缘具3突起;6)后足股节下侧外面具二黑斑;7)后足胫节黑色,中部具2淡色环.长背尖顶蚱近似于广西尖顶蚱Teredorus guangxiensis Zheng,Shi et Luo,2003,主要区别为:1)颜面隆起纵沟宽狭于触角基节宽;2)触角刚着生于复眼下缘之下;3)肩部之间具一对不明显的短斜纵隆线;4)前胸背板后突到达后足胫节顶端;5)雌性下生殖板后缘中央三角形突出;6)雌性上产卵瓣长为宽的3倍;7)后足跗节第1节略长于第3节;8)后足胫节黑色具2白环.新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.
    • 林敏平; 李晓东; 韦仕珍; 邓维安
    • 摘要: 为构建蚱总科昆虫的系统发育关系,探讨蚱总科传统分类和分子系统发育关系的异同,扩增并测定了16种蚱类昆虫COI基因部分序列,结合NCBI记录,对蚱总科6科17属41种蚱的COI基因597bp序列,分别采用邻接法(NJ)、最简约法(MP)、最大似然法(ML)和贝叶斯法(BI)重建蚱总科的系统发育关系。结果表明:蚱总科为一单系类群,其中蚱科较为进化,其次为刺翼蚱科,其余各科在蚱总科中的位置不确定,枝背蚱科、刺翼蚱科、短翼蚱科、蚱科均不是单系类群;在属的水平上,股沟蚱属、优角蚱属、瘤蚱属是单系类群,瘤蚱属与优角蚱属形成姐妹群,其他属不是单系类群,拟后蚱属应归入蚱科;在种的水平上,细庭蚱Hedotettix gracilis、粗体蚱Tetrix grossus、日本蚱Tetrix japonica种内分化明显。
    • 李晓东; 邓维安
    • 摘要: 记述首次发现采自广西防城港地区的黑翅优角蚱Eucriotettix nigripennis Deng et Zheng雌性,标本保存于河池学院化学与生物工程学院动物标本室。
    • 郑哲民
    • 摘要: 5 families,19 genera and 36 species of Tetrigoidea from Hunan province are recorded in the present study,among them three species are new to science,i.e.Mazarredia hupingshanen-sis sp.nov.,Mazarredia hunanensis sp.nov.and Aalatettix hupingshanensis sp.nov. Mazarredia hupingshanensis sp.nov.is allied to Mazarredia convexa Deng,Zheng & Wei, 2007,but differs in:1)width of frontal ridge which between antennae is wider than that of first segment of antenna;2)upper margin of pronotum with slightly wave-like in profile;3)hind process of pronotum reaching the top of hind femur;4)lower margin of midfemur straight;5) lower outer side of hind femur with no black;6)hind tibia with brown. Length of body:♂6 mm;length of pronotum:♂6 mm;length of hind femur:♂5 mm. Holotype ♂,Hunan:Shimen(Hupingshan),17-Sept.-2004,collected by Wang Ji-Liang. Mazarredia hunanensis sp.nov.is allied to Mazarredia platynota Zheng et Ou,2010,but differs in:1 )vertex and frontal ridge forming an obtuse rounded in profile;2)frontal ridge slightly concave before lateral oculus in profile;3)lateral oculus being in the middle of the anteri-or margin of eyes;4)upper margin of pronotum slightly wave-like before shoulders and straight behind it in profile;5)width of midfemur is narrower than the width of tegmina;6)lower outer side of hind femur with no black;7)hind tibia brown. Length of body:♀9 mm;length of pronotum:♀10 mm;length of hind femur:♀5.2 mm. Holotype ♀,Hunan:Yuangling,1-Sept.-2004,collected by Wang Ji-Liang. Aalatettix hupingshanensis sp.nov.is allied to Aalatettix leshanensis Zheng,Cao & Chen, 2011 and Aalatettix cangshanensis Zheng,Lin & Zhang,2013.It differs from both in:1)vertex and frontal ridge forming a rounded in profile;2)upper margin of pronotum nearly straight in profile;3)hind process of pronotum reaching knee of hind femur.The new species also differs from A.cangshanensis in:1)vertex protruding before the anterior margin of eyes in dorsal view;2)lower margin of midfemur with wave-like structure.The new species also differs from A.les-hanensis in the width of frontal ridge which between antennae is larger than that of first segment of antenna. Length of body: ♂ 10 mm; length of pronotum: ♂ 8.8 mm; length of hind femur:♂5.5 mm. Holotype ♂,Hunan:Shimen(Hupingshan),17-Sept.-2004,collected by Wang Ji-Liang.%系统报道湖南省蚱总科名录并3新种,即壶瓶山玛蚱 Mazarredia hupingshanensis sp.nov.、湖南玛蚱 Mazarredia hunanensis sp.nov.及壶瓶山无翅蚱 Aalatettix hupingshanensis sp.nov.壶瓶山玛蚱近似于凸背玛蚱 M.convexa Deng,zheng & Wei,2007,主要区!为:1)颜面隆起在触角之间部分的宽度与触角基节等宽;2)侧面观背板上缘微波状;3)后突到达后足股节顶端;4)中足股节下缘平直;5)后足股节下侧外面非黑色;6)后足胫节褐色.湖南玛蚱近似于平背玛蚱 M.platynota Zheng et Ou,2010,主要区!为:1)侧面观头顶与颜面隆起形成钝圆形;2)侧面观颜面隆起在侧单眼前略凹陷;3)侧单眼位于复眼前缘的中部;4)侧面观背板上缘在肩部前略波状,在肩部后平直;5)中足股节宽小于前翅宽;6)后足股节下侧外面非黑色;7)后足胫节褐色.壶瓶山无翅蚱蚱近似于乐山无翅蚱 Aalatettix leshanensis Zheng,Cao&chen,2011及苍山无翅蚱 A.cangshanensis Zheng ,Lin &Zhang,2013,其区别于两者为:1)侧面观头顶与颜面隆起形成圆形;2)侧面观前胸背板上缘近平直;3)后突到达后足股节膝部.该新种又区别于苍山无翅蚱为:1)头顶突出于复眼之前;2)中足股节下缘波状.该新种又区别于乐山无翅蚱为颜面隆起在触角之间部分的宽度略大于触角基节宽.
    • 郑哲民
    • 摘要: The six new species of Tetrigoidea collected from Jiangxi、Hainan and Yunnan Province are described. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University.%记述釆自江西、海南及云南省蚱总科昆虫6新种,即短翼蚱科的井岗山玛蚱 Mazqarredia jinggangshanensis sp.nov.、普洱蟾蚱Hyboella puerensis sp.nov.、版纳拟科蚱Cotysoides bannaensis sp.nov.、蚱科的版纳庭蚱Hedoet ttxi bannaensis sp.nov.、拟短翅柯蚱Cpo totettix ap rabrachyptera sp.nov.及宽顶无翅蚱 Aalaet ttix al tivre tex sp.nov.此外首次描述闽侯柯蚱Coptotettix minhouensis Zheng et Li的雄性.新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.
    • 郑哲民
    • 摘要: 系统地记录刺翼蚱科镰蚱属、蚱科庭蚱属及悠背蚱属的种类,以检索表形式进行分类研究,共记述镰蚱属16种,庭蚱属21种,悠背蚱属59种,其中有2个新种,即海南庭蚱Hedotettix hainanensis sp.nov.及雅安悠背蚱Euparatettix yaanensis sp.nov.,附有中国种的检索表和分布,模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所.%A taxonomic study of the genera Falconius, Hedotettix and Euparatettix from China are revised, among then, two new species are described, i.e.Hedotettix hainanensissp .nov.and Euparatettix yaanne sis sp.nov. Type specimens are kepted in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University. 1.H edotettix hainanensis sp.nov.( Figs.1-2) This new species is allied to Hedotettix eremnotus Zheng et Ou, 2013, but differs in:1) pronotum yellow-brown, with four black speckles on the back of pronotum; 2 ) without a pair short longitudinal keels between shoulders;3 ) hind process reaching middle of hind tibia;4) hind wing reaching two third of hind tibia. Length of body:♂9.5 mm;length of pronotum:♂12 mm;length of hind femur :♂6 mm. Holotype♂, Hainan:Changjiang(Bawangling ), 109°1′E, 19°1′N, 10-May-2007, collected by BA Yi-Bib and LANG Jun-Tong. 2.Euparatettix yaanensis sp.nov.( Figs.3-4) This new species is allied to Euparatettix gua ngxiensis ( Zheng, 1994 ) , but differs in:1 ) vertex and frontal ridge forming a right angle in profile; 2 ) without a pair short longitudinal keels between shoulders;; 3 ) hind process reaching knee of hind femur;4 ) hind wing reaching middle of knee of hind femur;5 ) width of midfemur equal the width of tegmina. Length of body:♂8 mm;length of pronotum:♂7 mm;length of hind femur:♂5 mm. Holotype♂, Sichuan:Yaan( Guanhua) , 103°5′E, 30°N, 31-July-2004, collected by Yang Xiu-Juan .
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