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胚乳细胞的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计130篇,主要集中在农作物、植物学、农学(农艺学) 等领域,其中期刊论文111篇、会议论文7篇、专利文献106036篇;相关期刊61种,包括邵阳学院学报(自然科学版)、西北植物学报、植物学报等; 相关会议7种,包括江苏省植物生理第三届青年学术年会、第十三次中国作物生理学术研讨会、第十届全国玉米栽培学术研讨会等;胚乳细胞的相关文献由277位作者贡献,包括王忠、董树亭、王志琴等。



论文:111 占比:0.10%


论文:7 占比:0.01%


论文:106036 占比:99.89%





  • 王忠
  • 董树亭
  • 王志琴
  • 郭文善
  • 韦存虚
  • 朱庆森
  • 顾蕴洁
  • 张吉旺
  • 徐珍秀
  • 施劲松
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: 11月27日,Molecular Plant在线发表了来自中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心研究员巫永睿研究组题为The O2-ZmGRAS11 transcrip⁃tional regulatory network orchestrates the coordina⁃tion of cell expansion and grain filling in maize endo⁃sperm的研究论文。该研究首次揭示了玉米籽粒灌浆期胚乳细胞扩张的分子机理,建立了以O2-ZmGRAS11为中心的转录调控网络模型,偶联了胚乳灌浆和细胞扩张两个独立的生物学过程,为培育高产玉米奠定了理论基础。
    • 崔丽娜; 刘吉强; 王立静; 王明友; 董树亭
    • 摘要: 以郑单958为材料,通过不同种植密度,利用激光衍射粒度分析仪、扫描电镜及透射电镜,分析不同种植密度夏玉米胚乳籽粒淀粉粒粒度分布特征.结果表明,不同种植密度玉米籽粒淀粉粒的粒径下限一致(0.38 μm),上限D1>D2>D3;体积、表面积及数目均值:D2>D3>D1.从淀粉粒的扫描图可以看出不同处理淀粉粒形态及胚乳细胞内其他内含物含量均有差异.从淀粉粒的透射图可以看出,各处理间淀粉粒的发育、外形、排列以及其他质体的数量都存在较大差异;密度可以调节玉米胚乳淀粉粒的分布及形态.
    • 宫宇; 郭艳艳; 王贵彦; 陈宗培; 段巍巍
    • 摘要: 为明确氮肥追施时期对冬小麦籽粒发育和灌浆特征的影响,选用冬小麦品种石麦18,采用随机区组设计,研究了LA1(春2叶期)、LA2(春3叶期)、LA3(春4叶期)、LA4(春5叶期)、LA5(春6叶期)5个追氮处理对籽粒胚乳细胞分裂增殖和灌浆特征的影响。结果表明,追氮时期对胚乳细胞增殖和灌浆特征均有显著影响。LA1、LA2和LA3处理的胚乳细胞在籽粒建成期分裂速率较高,而后分裂速率急剧下降,胚乳细胞数较少;灌浆速率表现为前期较高,后期较低;成熟时粒重较低。LA4处理能延长籽粒胚乳细胞增殖活跃期,在花后21 d后胚乳细胞仍然具有较高的分裂增殖能力,胚乳细胞数目最多,籽粒的最大灌浆速率最高,后期的灌浆能力较强,粒重最高。LA5处理胚乳细胞数较多,后期灌浆速率较低,粒重仅低于LA4处理。
    • 摘要: 为了探究外源植物生长调节剂对籽粒充实过程的影响,利用胚乳细胞数目计数、淀粉粒度分析等方法对玉米自交系B73籽粒的发育过程进行了探究.主要探讨了拔节期喷施乙烯利以及吐丝期喷施生长调节剂对籽粒灌浆过程、胚乳细胞发育以及淀粉粒发育的影响.结果表明:拔节期喷施乙烯利之后在DAP 20灌浆速率与对照组相比下降约17.7%,在DAP 44玉米籽粒百粒质量与对照组相比下降约11.3%.在DAP 12,乙烯利处理之后的胚乳细胞数目与对照组相比显著下降22.9%,且淀粉粒在胚乳细胞面积为IV、V和VI范围内的胚乳细胞内的数目显著减少.在授粉后不同时期乙烯利处理组(处理B)中的淀粉粒直径的分布范围与对照组中淀粉粒直径的分布范围显著差异.在吐丝期搭配使用脱落酸(Abscisic acid,ABA)(处理E)的胚乳细胞数目和淀粉粒分布与处理B结果差异不显著.搭配使用1-甲基环丙烯(1-Methylcyclopropene,1-MCP)(处理C)或者6-苄氨基嘌呤(6-Benzylaminopurine,6-BA)(处理D)后,与处理B相比提高了百粒质量、籽粒灌浆速率、淀粉粒的直径分布范围以及胚乳细胞内的淀粉粒数目,其中处理D中玉米百粒质量和淀粉粒数目与对照组差异不显著.该结果可以为进一步研究调节剂在玉米上的应用提供一些理论依据.
    • 郭艳艳; 段巍巍
    • 摘要: 为了明确冬小麦籽粒胚乳细胞增殖和灌浆对粒重的影响,选用不同冬小麦品种,研究了籽粒胚乳细胞分裂增殖和灌浆的动态变化及其与粒重的关系。结果表明,小麦籽粒灌浆速率和胚乳细胞数量均呈"S"型曲线变化。籽粒胚乳细胞数目与缓增期细胞的增殖能力密切相关,缓增期胚乳细胞增殖能力较强、胚乳细胞数目增加较多的品种,籽粒胚乳细胞数量较多。相关性分析结果表明,籽粒胚乳细胞数量与粒重正相关。粒重与最大灌浆速率和灌浆中后期的灌浆速率趋势一致,最大灌浆速率高、灌浆中后期保持较高灌浆速率的品种,粒重较高。Logistics方程结果显示,小麦籽粒的胚乳细胞数量与胚乳细胞增殖活跃期和最大增殖速率出现的时间有关,与胚乳细胞最大增殖速率关系不密切;粒重主要与最大灌浆速率有关,与灌浆活跃期和最大灌浆速率出现的时间没有必然关系。津农6号的胚乳细胞数量最多,粒重最高,其次是济麦22和山农16,石新828最低。产量表现从高到低依次为津农6号、山农16、济麦22和石新828。
    • 耿立清
    • 摘要: 以千重浪2号和润宇1号为试材,在大田条件下研究不同粒重北方粳稻品种的颖果结构差异。试验结果表明,与润宇1号相比,千重浪2号的胚乳细胞增殖快,糊粉层形成和胚乳细胞内贮藏物质出现时间早,果皮收缩和贮存物质消失时间也早;润宇1号籽粒背部微管束失去功能的时间迟于千重浪2号;小粒型品种虽然前期颖果发育比大粒型品种快,但其颖果的生理活性持续时间较短。%The field experiment were carried out with two japonica rice varieties, Runyu 1 and Qianchonglang 2, it studied caryopsis structure difference of northern japonica rice varieties of different grain weight. Compared with Runyu 1, the endosperm of Qianchonglang 2 developed faster, aleurone layer formation and material stored in endosperm appeared early, pericarp shrinkage and stored material disappeared early; the function of Runyu 1 vascular bundle in seed back disappeared later than Qianchonglang 2;although caryopsis of small grain variety developed faster than big one, yet its biological activity lasted shorter.
    • 王新国
    • 摘要: 一、备耕1.品种选择玉米品种产量的实质就是对当地生态条件的综合适应性(特别是耐密性),更好的适应性就是更高的产量。高产应是在稳产前提下的相对高产,品种的高产潜力在一般生产田是很难达到的,高产潜力不等于高产。高抗品种一般不如中抗品种产量高。
    • 王立峰; 陈超; 杨精华; 陈静宜; 汪海峰; 鞠兴荣
    • 摘要: 【目的】由于胚乳失去保护,大米在储藏过程中易发生陈化、霉变等问题,致使其品质劣变甚至丧失食用价值。通过测定储藏过程中大米游离脂肪酸、总酸含量、脂肪酸组成和含量,观察大米横断面胚乳细胞、淀粉颗粒微观结构,探讨大米品质劣变原因,为大米储藏技术提供参考。【方法】以粳稻99号大米为对象,进行人工模拟储藏试验:采用编织袋、自然密闭缺氧、抽真空3种包装方式,置于温度为15、25和30°C(60%湿度)的人工气候箱中储藏180 d,每个月进行一次品质指标测定;测定大米储藏过程中脂肪酸值、总酸值的变化,利用气相色谱分析脂肪酸组成及含量变化,利用扫描电镜观察大米横断面胚乳细胞形态,探索脂类及横断面胚乳结构导致大米品质陈化的机理及品质劣变后淀粉颗粒微观形态的变化规律。【结果】①储藏过程中,编织袋及自然密闭缺氧包装的大米游离脂肪酸及总酸含量皆呈现急剧上升趋势,当品质劣变严重时两者含量反而下降;抽真空包装的大米游离脂肪酸及总酸含量均保持在较稳定的水平,且储藏温度对其含量影响不显著;②脂肪酸组成中含量最多的是亚油酸、油酸和棕榈酸,这3种脂肪酸含量占总脂肪90%以上。包装方式及储藏温度对各脂肪酸组成影响不同。除了花生酸(C20:0)及二十二烯酸(C22:1)外,其余脂肪酸受包装方式影响较大;而储藏温度仅与豆蔻酸(C14:0)和山嵛酸(C22:0)有显著性关系,对其余脂肪酸影响不大。脂肪酸变化规律符合:高不饱和脂肪酸含量随温度升高而降低,多不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸及单不饱和脂肪酸间呈现显著负相关,具体表现为硬脂酸(C18:0)与亚油酸(C18:2)、亚麻酸(C18:3);油酸(C18:1)与亚油酸、亚麻酸皆呈现明显的“此消彼长”现象。③新鲜大米淀粉粒以复粒形式存在,形状较大,表面有较厚的膜,排列整齐有序,两侧以片状的细胞间断面居多,放射状结构清晰可见。陈化加剧的大米胚乳细胞横断面结构松散无序,细胞内断面多于细胞间断面,横断面上可观测到“小孔”及一些分散在淀粉体周围的蛋白体和脂肪滴;细胞壁的完整性受到破坏致使复粒崩解并可见大量单粒细胞,一部分单淀粉粒形状近圆型,棱角较钝;细胞间的棱角模糊,放射状结构变得模糊甚至消失。【结论】编织袋及自然密闭缺氧包装的大米陈化劣变较为严重,储藏过程中其脂肪酸值、总酸值急剧上升后下降,胚乳表面光滑度变差、小孔数量及表面蛋白质膜的翘起变多,辐射状趋势渐渐消失。抽真空包装可以有效延缓大米品质劣变进程。%Objective]Due to the loss of protection of endosperm, rice prones to aging during storage, mildew and other issues, which resulted in edible quality deterioration or even lost edible value. The aim of this study was to explore the reasons for the deterioration of rice quality by measuring the content of total acids and free fatty acids, changes in fatty acid composition and content, microscopic structure of cross-sectional endosperm cells or starch granules of rice, and to provide reference for storage technology of rice.[Method]The No. 99 japonica rice packaged in woven, natural airtight anoxia and vacuum was simulated storaged in artificial climate chamber at a temperature of 15, 25, and 30°C under 60% RH for 180 d, then the quality indicators and morphology of rice were measured every month. The aging mechanism of rice and variation of starch granules morphology caused by lipids and cross-sectional structure of endosperm after deterioration were explored by determining the variation of fatty acid and total acid value, the changes of fatty acid composition and content were analyzed by gas chromatography, and the cross section of rice endosperm cell morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy.[Result]It was found from the study that the free fatty acids and total acid contents of rice packaged in woven and natural airtight anoxia increased sharply in initial process while decreased with a serious deterioration of the quality. The free fatty acids and total acid contents of rice packaged in vacuum maintained at a relatively stable level while the storage temperature had no significant effect on its content. The most abundant fatty acids were linoleic acid, oleic acid and palmitic acid,which accounted for more than 90% of total fats. Packaging methods and storage temperature had a great impact on various fatty acids. In addition to arachidonic acid (C20:0) and docosenoic acid (C22:1), the other kinds of fatty acids were greatly influenced by packaging methods. The storage temperature had a significant relationship with myristic acid (C14:0) and behenic acid (C22:0) while had little effect on the rest of the fatty acids. The changes of fatty acids agreed with the results that the amount of highly unsaturated fatty acids decreased with increasing temperature, these data also demonstrated negative correlations between polyunsaturated fatty acids (stearic acid (C18:0) and oleic acid (C18:1)) and saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid (C18:2) or linolenic acid (C18:3)). The starch grains of fresh rice exist in a compound grain form with a large shape and a thick film on the surface, neat and orderly arranged with clear radial section in both sides of the sheet between the cells. The structure of endosperm cell cross-section became sloppy and disorderly, while the number of intracellular sections were more than that of intercellular sections. In addition, some “small holes” can be observed in sections with some protein and fat droplets scattered in the amyloplast. The compound starch granule broke into a large number of single granulocytes due to the damage of cell wall. Part of the shape of single starch granules became nearly circular with some blunt edges. And the radial structure became blurred or even disappeared when aging seriously.[Conclusion]The value of fatty acids and total acid showed an upward trend first and then a downward trend, the smoothness of endosperm surface deteriorated, and the number of holes and tilt of surface proteins film increased, as well as the radial structure trend disappeared gradually during storage. The rice quality deterioration seriously with woven and natural hypoxic packaging, it could delay the deterioration process of rice quality with vacuum packaging effectively.
    • 高刚; 王茜; 苟学梅; 张艳; 唐紫琳; 杨瑞武
    • 摘要: Elymus L.is not only an important gene pool for crops,such as wheat and barley,but also an important part of fine forages.The endosperm is a important part to seeds of cereal crops and the weight of endosperm is more than 90% in cereal crops seeds.The endosperm characteristics is a relatively stable genetic character,which can be used as a indicator to research plant classification and phylogenetic relationships.As the kind of micro morphological characteristics of plants,the endosperm characteristics is valuable in phylogeny of Triticeae .To provide evidence of the endosperm cells for reveal the phylogenetic relationships of Elymus species,as well as accumulate data for use the genus improve the quality of wheat and barley.The endosperm cells of 11 Triticeae species which belong to 6 Elymus species,2 Pseudoroegneria species,1 Hordeum species or 2 Agropyron species,were surveyed in this pa-per.The results were as follows:(1)Significant variations existed in the size,forms and quantity of endosperm cells in those species;(2)The cell shape and size existed small variations in Agropyron cristatum (P),A .mongolicum (P)and Pseudoroegneria libanotica (St),P .spicata (St),respectively;(3)The differences in genera were smal-ler than those in species,indicating that the characters of endosperm cells had less value in the systematic studies of those genera than in the studies of those species in Triticeae .%披碱草属不仅是小麦、大麦等作物的重要基因库,也是优良牧草的重要组成部分.胚乳是麦类作物种子的重要组成部分,其重量占籽粒重量在90%以上.胚乳特性是一个相对稳定的遗传性状,可以将胚乳特性作为植物分类和系统关系的一个指标.胚乳细胞特征作为植物的一类微形态特征,在麦类植物系统分类与进化研究中具有一定的价值.该研究对小麦族的6个披碱草属(Elymus )物种、2个拟鹅观草属(Pseudoroeg-neria )物种、1个大麦属(Hordeum )物种和2个冰草属(Agropyron )物种,共4属11份材料的胚乳细胞特征进行解剖观察并测量相关指标.结果表明:(1)不同属、种的植物种子胚乳细胞之间存在丰富的多样性,属间差异大于属内种间差异;(2)同样具有 P 染色体组的 Agropyron cristatum 和 A .mongolicum 与同样具有 St染色体组的 Pseudoroegneria libanotica 和 P .spicata 各自在细胞形状和大小上的差异很小;(3)不同物种的胚乳细胞在大小、形状和数量上均表现出差异,但不能很好地反映属以及基因组间的差异,研究结果为揭示披碱草属植物的系统关系提供了胚乳细胞方面的证据,同时也为利用该属植物改良麦类作物品质积累资料.
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