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秋海棠属的相关文献在1988年到2022年内共计116篇,主要集中在园艺、植物学、分子生物学 等领域,其中期刊论文106篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献6713篇;相关期刊59种,包括植物分类与资源学报、种子、花木盆景:花卉园艺等; 相关会议3种,包括2014年中国植物园学术年会、2013年全国植物园年会、2008北京奥运园林绿化的理论与实践研讨会(首都城市园林绿化建设与展望研讨会)等;秋海棠属的相关文献由202位作者贡献,包括管开云、税玉民、李景秀等。



论文:106 占比:1.55%


论文:3 占比:0.04%


论文:6713 占比:98.40%





  • 管开云
  • 税玉民
  • 李景秀
  • 陈文红
  • 刘演
  • 唐文秀
  • 宣继萍
  • 徐菲
  • 田代科
  • 郭忠仁
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈云飞; 刘芳; 欧明烛; 杨朔; 马菁华; 周艳; 何选泽; 任启飞
    • 摘要: 以贵州原生的30种秋海棠为材料,对其可观赏性进行评价分析。结果表明,贵州原生秋海棠观赏价值较高,具有较大的开发应用潜力。花叶秋海棠(Begonia.cathayana)、秋海棠(B.grandis)、罗甸秋海棠(B.por-teri)、裂叶秋海棠(B.palmata)、歪叶秋海棠(B.augustinei)、蕺叶秋海棠(B.limprichtii)、紫背天葵(B.fimbristipu-la)、掌裂叶秋海棠(B.pedatifida)等8种秋海棠观赏价值最高,视觉美感甚强,园林园艺开发利用潜力最大,建议重点开发。本研究对贵州原生秋海棠发展方向进行了展望,以期为贵州野生秋海棠植物资源的开发利用提供参考。
    • 王文广; 申健勇; 李智宏; 马兴达; 施济普; 潘杨杨; 税玉民
    • 摘要: 小花秋海棠(Begonia parvuliflora A.DC.)是一种罕见的球茎类草本植物,原记载分布于缅甸毛淡棉市,1869年以来从未有学者采集到,2019年该种在中国云南南部被重新发现。凭证标本保存在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。根据国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)的濒危等级评估标准,小花秋海棠为极危(CR)等级。
    • 曹华; 徐桂红
    • 摘要: 随着城市化进程推进,利用城市困难立地成为城市园林绿化面临的一个紧迫问题.以深圳仙湖植物园正门入口一处景观营造为例,从场地清理、组织架构、植物配置等方面阐述适地适树原则在园林景观中的应用实践,分析其中的优劣,以期为城市困难立地景观营造提供有益的参考.
    • 董莉娜; 刘演
    • 摘要: Begonia L.belongs to the family Begoniaceae within Cucurbitales.The genus contains over 1 800 species and is the sixth largest angiosperm genus.The species occurs in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Northern American and Africa and has been used as important medicinal, edible or ornamental plant.In China, there are around 300 species in the genus of Begonia, which mainly distribute along south of the Yangtze River, especially in Yunnan and Guangxi.During recent decades, more and more taxa have been discovered and described owing to deep field surveys within Guangxi.Now the number is far exceed the record in Flora of Guangxi that was published in 1991 including 19species.However, being scattered in different journals, it is necessary to collect and gather them together.Therefore, by adding 65 species totally 84 taxa were enumerated in Flora of Guangxi based on examination of specimens and literature, including 2 subspecies, 11 varieties and 46 endemic species.Meanwhile, all taxa were supplemented with the diagnostic characters as well as the infrageneric classification of these taxa.This research will provide essential information on further studies about classification, evolution and conservation in Begonia.%秋海棠属(Begonia L.)隶属于葫芦目(Cucurbitales)秋海棠科(Begoniaceae),有1 800余种,是世界第六大属,主要分布于美洲、非洲和亚洲的热带和亚热带地区,具有极高的观赏价值,亦可作为药用、食用、饮料和饲料等.我国有秋海棠属植物近300种,主要分布于我国的云南和广西等长江以南地区,其中云南有秋海棠属植物100余种.近年来,随着广西地区秋海棠属植物野外调查的不断深入,陆续发现并发表了大量秋海棠属新类群,使得广西产秋海棠属植物数目已超出1991年《广西植物志》(第一卷)收录的19种,因此亟需对发表于不同期刊中的类群进行系统地整理和汇总.鉴于此,该文通过查阅文献资料和考证标本信息,整理并汇总了广西产秋海棠属植物共84种,包括2个变种、11个亚种和46个特有种,新增的65种为《广西植物志》(第一卷)中未收录的类群,并补充了这些类群的特征集要、凭证标本信息和属下分组概况,为今后开展秋海棠属植物的分类修订以及系统学、进化生物学和保护生物学等研究提供了参考依据.
    • 黄扬; 唐文秀; 钟树华; 盘波; 黄莹
    • 摘要: 采用株型、叶片、开花数量等8个指标,对桂林植物园引种栽培的26种广西特有秋海棠属(Begonia)植物观赏性状进行了评价,评价结果为20种为优、3种为中、3种为差;从适应性及栽培生长状况来看,一口血秋海棠、广西秋海棠、卷毛秋海棠、黑峰秋海棠、丽叶秋海棠、方氏秋海棠、丝形秋海棠、靖西秋海棠等8种有较好的应用前景.
    • 文雯; 肖凌; 郑丽慧; 李丹平; 胡军林
    • 摘要: 目的:建立常用秋海棠属中药材水八角及红白二丸质量评价方法,为该属药材的质量评价提供依据.方法:对水八角和红白二丸的芦丁含量及HPLC指纹图谱,进行比较研究.结果:芦丁含量在水八角中范围为0.022% ~0.207%,在红白二丸中范围为0.001% ~0.019%;水八角指纹图谱有10个共有峰,9批样品90%相似度在0.9以上;红白二丸指纹图谱有13个共有峰,19批样品68.4%相似度在0.9以上.结论:掌裂叶秋海棠含有的化学成分与秋海棠、中华秋海棠的区别大,秋海棠与中华秋海棠所含有的化学成分差异小.本研究建立的秋海棠属药材质量评价方法,可用于秋海棠属中药材的整体质量控制,为该属药材的合理利用以及资源开发奠定基础.
    • 郎校安; 王文广; 杨蕾蕾
    • 摘要: 通过对深圳市中国科学院仙湖植物园园内秋海棠属植物的应用调查,总结了仙湖植物园已应用秋海棠属植物种类和应用特点.研究表明,秋海棠属植物在仙湖植物园内应用种类已有30余种,其中有11种可用于室外,既可观叶又可观花,观赏价值高,并在仙湖植物园内应用方式多样,如花境、花坛等造景,小盆栽展示,取得了良好的观赏应用效果.最后对秋海棠属植物的应用种类筛选及日常养护等方面做出了建议.
    • 田代科; 李春; 肖艳; 付乃峰; 童毅; 吴瑞娟
    • 摘要: 自然杂交在植物界中十分普遍,一直是物种形成和进化研究的热点.秋海棠属(Begonia)为世界最大植物属之一,其种类繁多,但关于自然杂交的相关报道很少.系统调查秋海棠属的自然杂交不仅有利于理解该属植物的多样性,也是弄清其资源和解决物种分类问题不可缺少的环节.本文通过对国产秋海棠属植物自然杂交现象的系统调查和分析,发现总计29种(占国产已知200种秋海棠的约l5%)参与了杂交,产生了31个自然“杂种”约50个居群.其中,掌叶秋海棠(B.hemsleyana)和粗喙秋海棠(B.longifolia)参与杂交程度最高,分别与另外的8种和7种秋海棠发生了杂交;而裂叶秋海棠(B.palmata)发生杂交的居群最多,达16处.自然杂交以云南(尤其是南部)发生频率最高,一共有20种参与,产生了31处杂交居群;台湾和广西次之.杂交多为单向发生,个体以F1代个体为主,尚未脱离亲本独立成种.野外传粉生物学初步观察发现:秋海棠的主要访花昆虫为食蚜蝇类,其次是蜜蜂科,但各自传粉特点及效率尚待进一步研究.杂种及疑似亲本的鉴定可通过形态学、分子生物学和人工重复杂交等综合方法实现.杂种的基因组大小(C值)等于或接近两亲本的平均值,误差通常小于10%,有助于辅助鉴定杂种及亲本.我们总结后认为杂交发生及杂种形成必须满足5个条件:(1)重叠或邻近分布;(2)花期相遇;(3)有效传粉媒介;(4)杂交亲和;(5)适宜种子萌发幼苗生长的小生境及气候条件.据此,我们预测了国产秋海棠属未来可能发生的约40个新杂交组合的可能亲本及地点.到目前为止,尽管所有已知的秋海棠杂种尚未形成真正的新物种,但是,为了满足科学研究及实践交流的需要,建议按照新分类群发表的严格要求,将“杂种”逐一开展调查研究并整理发表,并将其作为物种进化过程中的一个特殊分类单元对待.鉴于秋海棠属的杂种个体稀少且并未对亲本构成威胁,反而在一定程度上增加了类群的多样性,并为优良观赏品种的直接选育创造了机会,因此,国产秋海棠属种类丰富及杂种区应为就地保护的优先考虑范围之一.同时,鉴于秋海棠属杂交亲和性高,迁地保护栽培时应增大花期重叠种类的种植间距,避免发生自然杂交.%Natural hybridization is a very common phenomenon in plants and has continuously been a hotspot in the scientific research of speciation and evolution.As one of the largest genera in plants,Begonia has a large number of species.However,very few cases have been reported on its natural hybrids.A systematic investigation of natural hybridization of Begonia can not only improve understanding of plant diversity and germplasm resources of this genus,but also be a step towards solving its taxonomical issues.Through a comprehensive field survey and experimental analysis of natural hybridization in Chinese begonias,we found nearly 50 populations of 31 natural hybrids occurred among 29 species,accounting for 15% of currently about 200 accepted species.Begonia hemsleyana and B.longifolia had the highest cross frequency and crossed with 8 and 7 other species,respectively.B.palmata contributed to 16 hybrid populations,the largest number in all individual species.The largest number of hybrids (31 hybrid populations from 20 parental species) occurred in Yunnan (mainly in the southern areas),followed by Taiwan and Guangxi.Hybridization between species was unidirectional in most cases,and the majority of hybrids were F1 individuals,which still rely on parents or hybridization zones and have not been established as a true species.Field observations showed that aphid flies,followed by members of the bee family (Apidae),were the most frequent visitors of begonia flowers,however,further studies are necessary to examine their behavior and the efficiency of pollination.The natural hybrids and their putative parents were identified using integrative methods of morphology,molecular research,and artificial crossing experiments.Genome size (C value) of hybrids was usually equal or close to the average of that of the two parents,with an error less than 10%,which could assist identification of hybrids and parents.In addition,we summarized the five conditions necessary for the occurrence of natural hybridization:overlapping or adjacent distributions,concurrent flowering (at least partially overlapping),efficient pollination media,cross compatibility,and suitable microhabitat and climate conditions for seed germination and seedling growth.Based on these,we also predicted future putative parents of about 40 new natural hybrids and possible hybridization sites.Thus far,although all the known natural begonia hybrids have not established as true species,it may be more appropriate to treat them as a special taxon of speciation and evolution,which should be thoroughly investigated and published referring to protocols for publishing a new taxon in the scientific research.Because the individuals of natural hybrids in Begonia are always sparsely distributed in small numbers,and hybrids are not harmful to its parents it increases plant diversity and the chances of obtaining a new ornamental cultivar by natural selection.Therefore,the priority of in situ conservation should be given to regions with natural hybrids and species-rich environments.Meanwhile,for the purpose of ex situ conservation,requiring sufficient planting distance between species should be considered in those species with overlapping flowering time to avoid possible natural hybridization due to high cross-compatibility,particularly in native begonias.
    • 张庆瑞; 付国赞
    • 摘要: 丽格海棠为秋海棠科秋海棠属,其株形丰满、花期长、花色丰富,深受广大消费者的喜爱。丽格海棠规模化育苗中,采集插穗的标准为"一叶一心",扦插基质为泥炭细纤维+珍珠岩+椰糠混合使用,比例6:1:3。从扦插到商品苗需4~5周的养护时间;当扦插苗具有3个以上成品叶片时,即可出售。
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