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流场显示的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计141篇,主要集中在航空、力学、能源与动力工程 等领域,其中期刊论文84篇、会议论文32篇、专利文献663488篇;相关期刊50种,包括南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)、爆炸与冲击、红外与激光工程等; 相关会议27种,包括中国空气动力学会测控专业委员会第六届六次全国学术交流会、第二十七届全国直升机年会、中国航空学会2009年学术年会—空气动力学学术交流会等;流场显示的相关文献由366位作者贡献,包括杨基明、宋耀祖、岳茂雄等。



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  • 杨基明
  • 宋耀祖
  • 岳茂雄
  • 崔东明
  • 张鸿凌
  • 杨彦广
  • 于淼
  • 张龙
  • 王杰
  • 肖大武
  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献




    • 王科雷; 周洲; 张阳
    • 摘要: 基于下一代民用客机发展研究背景,针对某特种布局分布式推进翼身融合飞行器,采用数值仿真与风洞试验相结合的方法对其纵向气动特性及失速机理进行分析研究。介绍了该分布式推进翼身融合飞行器的气动构型及数值模型方法,针对当前翼身融合飞行器有无分布式动力影响下的纵向气动特性进行了对比分析,基于当前翼身融合飞行器无动力缩比模型风洞试验,在对数值模型方法进行校验的同时,结合流场显示结果对其大迎角失速发展过程中的流动机理进行分析研究。结果表明:当前分布式推进翼身融合体的分布式动力匣平台区域前缘展向流动是诱导失速发生的主要因素,但中部机身在大迎角下仍能够提供足够大的升力维持飞行,而分布式动力抽吸对于翼上流动具有较为明显的梳理作用,可以用于控制和改善翼身融合飞行器大迎角失速特性。
    • 刘二伟; 徐胜利; 周杰; 左金东
    • 摘要: 为开展模型高速斜入水和水中高速航行的水流场实验研究,研制了立式和卧式气炮与水箱组合的实验系统。通过快速阀和活塞阀控制气炮激发和驱动状态,一级气炮采用高压空气直接驱动弹托和模型,二级气炮采用高压空气驱动重活塞压缩使集气腔中产生高压气体,再驱动弹托和模型达到预定速度。通过调节水箱和发射管角度,使高速模型斜入水或水平入水。其中,立式可变发射角二级气炮可发射质量1~1000 g的模型至2500 m/s最大速度,卧式一级气炮可发射质量1~100 kg的模型至300 m/s最大速度。和小气室、高燃气压力火药驱动方式相比,新型气炮采用大体积、中低驱动压力气室,高压气体更接近等熵膨胀做功,调节高压气体压力,能较好地满足模型质量和速度的宽范围要求。结合光反射通断法测速、高速摄影和阴影流场显示等测量技术,得到立式气炮压缩管重活塞运动速度、压缩管末端压力时间曲线和模型倾斜与水平入水的流场阴影图像。结果表明:重活塞速度在膜片破裂前和理论计算值符合较好,但破膜后差异较大。立式气炮流场阴影图像反映了模型斜入水产生的空中和水中激波以及在气水界面的反射激波、空泡形成和侧向气水界面的破碎与飞溅等现象。从卧式气炮的模型水平入水阴影图像提取气泡轮廓,清楚地看出尾部气泡气水界面的波动和失稳。和商业计算软件Fluent计算结果相比,空泡上游区域基本重合,但尾流区域强湍流导致两者存在明显差异。和水洞实验相比,气炮水箱实验系统近真实地再现高速入水过程伴随的冲击和动态空化等物理现象和模型尺度效应。
    • 孙寒冰; 昝立儒; 孙志远; 邹劲
    • 摘要: The wind resistance and flow field of a ro-ro passenger ship with a wind speed of 25 m/s under five different wind angles are studied based on the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technology in order to analyze the flow field distribution of the ro-ro passenger ship under different wind angles. The characteristics of the longitudinal, transverse and horizontal wind flow field of the ro-ro passenger ship are obtained by using the PIV technology. The results show that the longitudinal wind axis resistance and the transverse lateral force change parabolically with the increase of wind angles, while the yaw moment changes in a sinusoidal manner with two resistance peaks at opposite directions. The wind resistance and flow field of the ro-ro passenger ship are analyzed and studied based on the flow field graph obtained by PIV and the wind resistance curve got from the conventional force tests. It can provide reference for the calculation and validation by using CFD tools as well as the optimization of the wind resistance in the future.%为准确分析客滚船在不同风向角下的流场分布, 基于PIV技术研究了某型客滚船在25m/s风速下, 5个不同风向角的风阻变化和流场分布;利用PIV技术得出某型客滚船纵向、横向以及水平方向的空气流场特性.结果表明:随着风向角的增加, 纵向风轴阻力和横向侧向力呈"抛物线"规律变化, 偏航力矩呈"正弦曲线"分布, 并存在两个方向相反的阻力峰.利用PIV流场分布图与常规测力试验的风阻曲线对客滚船风阻流场进行分析研究, 所得结果可为以后的CFD计算验证以及后期风阻优化提供参考依据.
    • 沙心国; 文帅; 袁明论; 卢洪波; 纪锋
    • 摘要: 基于气体放电辐射强度与气体密度的相关性,在高超声速脉冲风洞FD-20中搭建了气体放电流场显示系统,并分别以平板模型、平板-方块模型和简化进气道模型为试验模型,在来流马赫数Ma=12.16、来流静压p≈106Pa的流场条件下开展气体放电流场显示技术研究.在平板实验中,气体放电方法较准确地观测到了电极之间的平板前缘激波结构,与纹影技术测得激波角相差仅为0.21°.在平板-方块实验中,气体放电方法观测到了2个截面(对称面和远离对称面截面)的激波结构,对称面波系结构与纹影和数值计算所得结果基本一致,远离对称面截面的波系结构与数值计算结果基本一致.在简化进气道实验中,气体放电方法观测到了内流道激波交叉形成的菱形结构,且尺寸与数值计算结果相差较小,约为7.9%.这些实验结果表明,在高超声速脉冲风洞中,采用气体放电方法可以获得清晰准确的激波结构,不仅可进行分截面激波结构观测,还可对被模型遮挡的内部区域激波结构进行显示,而且特别适合用于局部复杂流动波系结构的观测.
    • 岳茂雄; 苏铁; 杨顺华; 袁强; 乐嘉陵
    • 摘要: Diagnosis of combustion field was mainly useful to structure designing and combustion state organization of the combustion chamber. Laser schlieren/shadow and difference interferometer were used to study the wave structures of combustion field. And combustion border and combustion violent region were diagnosed by the planar laser-induced fluorescence of OH groups (OH-PLIF) method to get a clear field of combustion wave lines and the combustion results displaying by PLIF. Combining laser shadow/difference interferometer and OH-PLIF, the relationship between the wave lines and combustion could be seen. To cut the image of light source similarly to traditional schlieren by adopting a new laser schlieren technology, which produced not obvious laser speckle and diffraction phenomenon. What' s more, it was meaning to display the wave structure and diagnosis by PLIF at the same time. The work above can be a reference for the study of supersonic combustion fluid field.%燃烧场的流场诊断研究,有利于燃烧室的结构设计和燃烧状态的组织.研究主要采用激光纹影/阴影和差分干涉方法显示燃烧场的波系结构,并用羟基平面激光诱导荧光(OH-PLIF)方法诊断燃烧边界和核心燃烧区域,得到了清晰的燃烧场波系显示结果和燃烧情况的PLIF显示结果.将差分干涉/激光阴影和PLIF方法结合,可以考察波系结构与燃料燃烧的关系.研究采用了一种新型消相干技术的激光纹影,可以像常规纹影一样用刀口切割光源像,不会产生明显的激光散斑和衍射现象;同时在工程上将波系结构显示和PLIF进行同步诊断,也是比较有意义的工作.该工作对于超声速燃烧流场的研究具有参考意义.
    • 李明; 祝智伟; 杨彦广; 谢爱民
    • 摘要: In order to solve low sensitivity of flow visualization using a single-pass schlieren system under the conditions of higher Mach number, low static pressure, the double-pass schlieren system withΦ900 mm caliber of light beam of spherical mirror in China, was developed. Compared with a single-pass one, higher sensitivity was obtained, and more flow detail can be provided and the range of application of the schlieren technique can be expanded through a double-pass schlieren system. The out-of-focus flow image was eliminated by replacing colorful knife edge with the LED light source of the four-color-light, by adding the compensating lens, optimizing object lens and adjusting finely the LED light source. The flow image on the common aviation vehicle (CAV) model obtained using double-pass schlieren system was compared with that obtained using single -pass schlieren one. The incident diaphragm was added before the object lens so that a light spot was removed. The vivid flow image on the big blunt model was obtained under experimental condition of Mach number 10, total pressure 2.0 MPa, total temperature 1100 K, angle of attack from 0° to 15°. The advantage and disadvantage of a double-pass schlieren system was analyzed.%为了解决单光程纹影系统在高马赫数、低静压流场显示中灵敏度低的问题,研制了国内首套最大口径为Φ900 mm的双光程纹影系统.与单光程纹影系统相比,双光程纹影系统具有更高的灵敏度,能提供更多的流场细节,能拓宽纹影技术的应用范围.通过用LED四色光源代替常规的彩色刀口、增加补偿透镜、优化照相物镜和精细调节LED四色光源,较好地消除了试验流场重影.通过增加入射光阑,有效减弱了试验流场中出现的光源光斑.对单光程纹影流场图与双光程纹影流场图进行了比较.在马赫数Ma=10、试验总压为2.0 MPa、试验总温为1100 K、攻角为0°~15°试验条件下,通过双光程纹影系统,获得了大钝头模型清晰的试验流场图像.最后分析了双光程纹影技术的优缺点及改进方向.
    • 魏德宸; 史志伟; 昂海松; 付军泉; 朱佳晨
    • 摘要: 为了研究鸭式布局飞机的摇滚运动,设计了一种包括鸭翼、脊型前体、边条翼、主翼和垂尾的模型,进行滚转自由度释放、静态测力、动导数试验和烟线流场显示多种技术手段相结合的风洞试验.首先为了得到摇滚从发生到消失的全过程,进行了俯仰角范围为12° ~52°、间隔1°测量的滚转自由度释放试验;结果表明对应于不同的俯仰角,鸭翼布局飞机的摇滚运动也具有不同的性质,其平衡点和运动形式均发生变化.接着静态测力和动导数试验证实;在翼体结构的多涡系影响下,摇滚可在零度平衡点和非零平衡点位置处发生;且运动可为极限环和非极限环形式.最后通过流场显示,分析了在不同迎角时鸭式布局飞机形成翼体摇滚的可能的流动机理.%To study wing-body rock of canard-configuration aircrafts, a model for wind tunnel test was designed having a chine forebody, canard wings, strake wings,main wings, and a vertical fin.This model was tested by different methods including free rolling motion, static force balance test, dynamic derivative test, and smoke wire technique.First, the complete rock process was studied by free-to-roll experiment in the range of pitch angel θ=12°~52° and Δ=1°.The results show that, rolling motions of the canard-configuration aircraft have several different mean roll angles and motion forms vary with different pitch angles.Second, the results of the static force balance test and dynamic derivative test confirm that the rolling motion can occur around zero or nonzero equilibrium roll angles with limit-cycle forms or nolimit cycle ones due to the influence of multi-vortex structures.Finally, the flow visualization tests show that the main vortices generate the wing-body rock at different stages.The possible mechanism for the wing-body rock was also analyzed for the canard-configuration aircraft.
    • 李一鸣; 李祝飞; 杨基明; 吴颖川; 余安远
    • 摘要: A planar laser scattering system is built and then verified in a shock tunnel with a nominal Mach number of 6.A proper amount of water vapor is added into the test gas before the experiment,and then the water vapor condenses into tiny particles when it goes through the shock tunnel nozzle.The condensed H2O particles are used as tracers for the planar laser scattering.With the help of this flow visualization method and sophisticated arrangements of the optical path,the flow field of a hypersonic inward-turning inlet with a transition from the elliptical-like to circular shape is observed in experiments,and the preliminary flow structure in the inlet forebody and the isolator are obtained.The results show that the nominal diameter of the condensate tracers is approximately 67 nm with good following performances in the flow field.The forebody shock is curved and inflected obviously,and is concaved near the symmetry and raised at the sides.Based on several laser scattering images,the three-dimensional forebody shock is rebuilt using a spline interpolation method.As a result,the forebody shock looks like an oblique scoop.There are two pairs of streamwise vortices in the isolator.One vortex-pair near the bodyside is large and the other vortex-pair near the cowl-side is small,and both are unsteady.The high-speed flow concentrates in the core region of the isolator and inclines slightly to the cowl-side,whereas the low-speed flow accumulates on the bodyside.The flow field of the isolator is thus nonuniform.%在名义马赫数为6的激波风洞中,通过预先在试验气体中加入适量的水蒸气,利用水蒸气流经喷管时凝结产生的粒子作为示踪粒子,搭建并验证了平面激光散射系统.采用该流场显示技术,结合适当的光路布置,对类椭圆形转圆形高超声速内转式进气道进行了试验观测,初步得到了进气道前体及隔离段的流场结构.结果表明:水蒸气凝结产生的示踪粒子平均直径约为67 nm,在流场中具有较好的跟随性;内转式进气道前体激波有明显的凹凸性和拐点,前体激波靠近对称面的部分向内凹,而两侧的边缘向外凸出;基于多个流场截面的激光散射图像进行样条插值,重构出的三维前体激波面呈倾斜的糖勺形;隔离段顶板一侧和唇口板一侧各有一对反转流向涡,顶板一侧的涡流区较大,而唇口板一侧的较小,两对流向涡存在一定的非定常性;高速气流区集中在隔离段中心,并且偏向唇口板一侧,而大量的低速气流堆积在顶板一侧,使得隔离段流场的不均匀性显著.
    • 邹镇; 尹东; 刘绪鹏; 孙琪; 王晓良
    • 摘要: 油流法作为一项流场显示技术,能直观的描述流场中试件表面的流动特征,技术难点主要体现在油剂配比的调制及涂刷工艺上.本文以油剂配比的调制及其涂刷工艺的研究为主,对油流法流场显示技术在某叶栅试验试验件上的应用情况进行详细介绍和对比,为后续的油流法流场显示技术研究提供参考.
    • 魏德宸; 史志伟; 耿玺; 刘超; 昂海松
    • 摘要: 为研究鸭式布局飞行器摇滚特性,设计了一种包括鸭翼、脊型前体、边条翼、主翼和垂尾的模型,进行了自由滚转、扰动滚转、静动态测力和烟线流场显示多种技术手段相结合的风洞试验.通过自由滚转和扰动滚转试验得到了该模型翼体摇滚的时间历程,静态测力和动导数测定验证了非极限环运动形式摇滚的发生.结果表明该鸭式布局模型摇滚不仅同侧存在多个摇滚平衡点,而且在临界俯仰角,摇滚过程中可能出现从一摇滚平衡点跳动至同侧另一摇滚平衡点的突变.通过流场显示技术得到该鸭式布局模型复杂流场的基本形态分布,并对滚转角为0°时的全机涡系干扰和摇滚形成机理进行了简要分析.
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