首页> 外文期刊>Physics essays >A new concept of light: Solving the problems of invariance of speed oflight and wave-particle duality

A new concept of light: Solving the problems of invariance of speed oflight and wave-particle duality


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In this paper, a new concept of light is proposed so that two important unsolved problemsof light, viz., invariance of speed of light with respect to motion of source/observer andwave-particle duality, are solved. Although the invariance of speed of light is an experimentally erified fact and is incorporated into the second postulate of a special theory of relativity, it is notcompatible with our common experience about matter in motion. However, in this new concept, theinvariance of speed of light comes as a natural consequence without violating our common sense.Another advantage of this approach is that it solves the problem of wave-particle duality of light byoffering a single picture that explains both the results showing particlelike and wavelike behaviors.



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