
Vascular injury in the United kingdom.


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Surgeons working within the United Kingdom's National Health Service have an established history of clinical innovation, research, and development in the field of vascular surgery but lack a unified trauma system to deliver optimal care for patients with vascular injury. The low incidence of vascular trauma, combined with lack of regional trauma systems, works against optimal delivery of care to the polytrauma patient. Providing care, robust data capture, and opportunities for training and education in vascular injury lag behind other elective domains of vascular practice. The challenge is to define ideal care pathways, referral networks, and standards of practice and to integrate the care of such patients. In 2010, a trauma system for London was introduced; it has provided vascular surgeons with a unique opportunity to study and advance the care of patients with vascular injury. This article discusses developing trauma network issues, particularly the organization and evolution of vascular trauma services in the United Kingdom.
机译:在英国国家卫生局工作的外科医生在血管外科领域具有悠久的临床创新,研究和开发历史,但缺乏统一的创伤系统,无法为血管损伤患者提供最佳护理。血管外伤的低发生率加上缺乏区域外伤系统,不利于多创伤患者的最佳护理。提供护理,强大的数据采集以及血管损伤培训和教育的机会落后于其他的血管实践选修领域。面临的挑战是定义理想的护理途径,转诊网络和实践标准,并整合此类患者的护理。 2010年,伦敦采用了创伤系统;它为血管外科医师提供了研究和改善血管损伤患者护理的独特机会。本文讨论了发展中的创伤网络问题,尤其是英国血管创伤服务的组织和演变。



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