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We are family


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For more than 100 years, scientists argued over exactly what a panda was. Now - finally - it has been admitted to the Ursidae clan, and the spectacled bear of South America has been confirmed as its closest-living relative. In 1869, French Jesuit missionary Pere David first described the giant panda to western science. With just a pelt and reported sightings to go on, he classified it as a bear. But the following year, zoologist Alphonse Milne Edwards dissected the first specimen and found it had more in common with the red panda, a member of the racoon family. For more than a century, scientists quarrelled over whether the giant panda belonged to the bear family, the raccoon family or a separate family of its own.
机译:100多年来,科学家一直在争论到底是什么熊猫。现在-终于-它已被Ursidae氏族接纳,南美眼镜熊已被确认是其最接近的近亲。 1869年,法国耶稣会传教士Pere David首次向西方科学描述了大熊猫。带着毛皮,并发现了目击事件,他将其归类为熊。但是第二年,动物学家阿尔方斯·米尔恩·爱德华兹(Alphonse Milne Edwards)解剖了第一只标本,发现它与浣熊家族的一头小熊猫有更多共同之处。一个多世纪以来,科学家一直在争论大熊猫是属于熊科,浣熊科还是属于自己的独立家族。



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