首页> 外文期刊>Sustinability: The Journal of Record >The Sustainability Professional: On the Record with Bart Meehan Associate Director for Facilities and Services The Australian National University

The Sustainability Professional: On the Record with Bart Meehan Associate Director for Facilities and Services The Australian National University

机译:可持续发展专业人士:与Bart Meehan设施和服务副主任的记录

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Persuading students to take shorter showers and groundskeepers to stop watering the flowers so much is no small project for a university of any size. Thanks to the efforts of Bart Meehan and his colleagues at the Australian National University, though, computer speakers and monitors no longer waste kilowatt hours languishing on "standby" the new medical research facility does not require mechanized air conditioning, and a once-significant environmental footprint is shrinking. In this exclusive interview, Sustainability: The Journal of Record talks to Meehan about effecting behavioral changes in a community the size of a small town, getting academics and facilities folks to work cooperatively toward a common goal, and making environmentalismfun, notpreachy.
机译:对于任何规模的大学来说,说服学生缩短淋浴时间和让地勤人员停止大量浇水都是不小的任务。由于澳大利亚国立大学Bart Meehan和他的同事的努力,计算机扬声器和显示器不再浪费千瓦时,而“待机”则使新的医学研究设施不再需要机械化的空调,而曾经的环境却变得如此重要。足迹正在缩小。在这次独家采访中,《可持续发展:记录杂志》与Meehan讨论了如何在一个小镇大小的社区中改变行为方式,让学术界和设施界人士为实现共同目标而共同努力,并使环保主义变得有趣而不是虚张声势。



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