首页> 外文期刊>Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics >Response to comment by Ms. Ola Awad on the paper 'Selection bias and the statistical patterns of mortality in conflict' [1]

Response to comment by Ms. Ola Awad on the paper 'Selection bias and the statistical patterns of mortality in conflict' [1]

机译:对Ola Awad女士对“选择偏见和冲突中死亡率的统计模式”的评论的回应[1]

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We appreciate Ms. Awad's thoughtful response to our paper, and we agree with several of her points. In particular, we share her emphasis that it is important to quantify conflict violence, as this information can support a number of transitional justice or other post-conflict processes. For example, at the conclusion of the trial of General Jose Efrain Rios Montt for crimes of genocide, the judges concluded that the statistical evidence presented by Patrick Ball confirmed, "in numerical form, what the victims said." As another example, Hagan et al. [3] describe how the establishment of casualty counts can be crucial: "The structure of international criminal law ... holds to the dictum 'no body, no crime.' This presents significant problems for lawyers investigating or prosecuting heads of state for crimes against humanity that can be hidden behind the doctrine of state autonomy. To establish legal responsibility, either bodies must be uncovered from mass graves and identified, as was done in Srebrenica, or the number of deaths must be otherwise convincingly established."
机译:我们感谢阿瓦德女士对我们论文的周到回应,我们同意她的几点观点。特别是,我们同意她的强调,量化冲突暴力非常重要,因为该信息可以支持许多过渡时期司法或其他冲突后过程。例如,在何塞·埃弗拉芬·里奥斯·蒙特将军对种族灭绝罪的审判结束时,法官得出结论,帕特里克·鲍尔提供的统计证据“以数字的形式证实了受害者所说的话”。作为另一个例子,Hagan等。 [3]描述了伤亡人数的确定如何至关重要:“国际刑法的结构……坚持'无组织,无犯罪'的格言。这为律师调查或起诉国家元首可能会隐藏在国家自治学说背后的危害人类罪提出了重大问题,要确立法律责任,必须从万人坑中发现尸体并加以识别,就像在斯雷布雷尼察所做的那样,或者否则必须令人信服地确定死亡人数。”



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