首页> 外文期刊>Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics >Different methods to complete datasets used for capture-recapture estimation: Estimating the number of usual residents in the Netherlands

Different methods to complete datasets used for capture-recapture estimation: Estimating the number of usual residents in the Netherlands


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We are interested in an estimate of the usual residents in the Netherlands. Capture-recapture estimation with three registers enables us to estimate the size of the total population, of which the usual residents are a part. However, usual residence cannot be used as a covariate because it is not available in one of the registers. We approach this as a missing data problem. There are different methods available to handle missing data. In this manuscript we use Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm and Predictive Mean Matching (PMM). The EM algorithm is often used in categorical data analysis, but PMM has the advantage of flexibility in the choice for a specific part of the observed data used for the imputation of the missing data. Four scenarios have been identified where the missing data are completed via either the EM algorithm or PMM imputation, resulting in different population size estimates for usual residence. It was found that the different scenarios lead to different population size estimates. Even small changes in the completed data lead to different population size estimates. In this study PMM imputation performs best according flexibility and it is theoretically better motivated.
机译:我们对荷兰的普通居民感兴趣。使用三个寄存器进行捕获-捕获估计,使我们能够估计总人口的大小,而普通居民是其中一部分。但是,通常居住地不能用作协变量,因为在其中一个寄存器中不可用。我们将此视为丢失的数据问题。有多种方法可用于处理丢失的数据。在本手稿中,我们使用期望最大化(EM)算法和预测均值匹配(PMM)。 EM算法通常用于分类数据分析,但是PMM的优势是可以灵活选择用于插补缺失数据的观测数据的特定部分。已经确定了四种情况,其中通过EM算法或PMM估算完成了丢失的数据,从而导致通常居住的人口规模估计不同。发现不同的情况导致不同的人口规模估计。即使已完成数据的微小变化也会导致不同的人口规模估计。在这项研究中,PMM插补在灵活性方面表现最佳,并且从理论上讲它的动机更好。



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