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Munterville: A New Soil Series in Iowa


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Before 2009, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) staff noticed plant roots and argillans deep within the B horizon of Gosport polypedons (a fine, illitic, mesic Oxyaquic Dystrudept) while updating Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) 108 (Illinois and Iowa deep loess and drift) and 109 (Iowa and Missouri heavy till plain) in the central United States. In 2009, Gosport soils in MLRAs 108 and 109 were remapped and reclassified. Both map unit transects and the releve method were used to identify pedons for detailed laboratory analyses. Eight pedons representing Gosport soils were collected from eight counties in southern Iowa, USA (Davis, Jefferson, Keokuk. Lucas, Mahaska. Marion, Monroe, and Van Buren). All of the pedons were described, analyzed, and classified. The results revealed two groups of soils, which are different than that of Gosport: Alfisols, newly named as the Munterville series (fine, mixed, smectitic or kaolinitic, active or superactive, mesic Oxyaquic Hapludalfs), and Ultisols (fine, mixed or kaolinitic, active, mesic Oxyaquic Hapludults) that have not yet been assigned a series name. The aims of this work were to reclassify the Gosport soils and detect the lithologic discontinuities
机译:在2009年之前,自然资源保护局(NRCS)的工作人员在更新主要土地资源区(MLRA)108(伊利诺伊州和爱荷华州深处)的同时,注意到Gosport多足动物B地平线(精细,非法,中性的Oxyaquic Dystrudept)深处的植物根和argillans。黄土和漂流)和109(爱荷华州和密苏里州重到平原)。 2009年,对MLRA 108和MLRA 109中的Gosport土壤进行了重新映射和重新分类。地图单元的横断面和releve方法均用于识别脚踏板,以进行详细的实验室分析。从美国爱荷华州南部的八个县(戴维斯,杰斐逊,凯库克,卢卡斯,马哈斯卡,马里恩,门罗和范布伦)收集了八只代表Gosport土壤的脚钉。描述,分析和分类了所有脚踏板。结果显示两组土壤与Gosport的土壤不同:Alfisols,新命名为Munterville系列(精细,混合,近晶或高岭土,活性或超活性,中性Oxyaquic Hapludalfs)和Ultisols(精细,混合或高岭土) ,活跃的,中性的Oxyaquic Hapludults)尚未分配系列名称。这项工作的目的是对Gosport土壤重新分类并检测岩性不连续性



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