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App ication of SoLIM for a H gh- ntensify Soil Survey: A Soufhern hois Exampe


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Soil mapping is based on the observed soil-landscape relationships originated by Dokuchaeiv and Hilgard and summarized by Jenny, (1941,1961) as the factors of soil formation: S = f(cl,o,r,p,t), where S refers to soil, with the factors of climate, organisms, relief, parent material, and time, respectively. The validity of this model allows for efficient and accurate production of soil maps. However, as Hudson (1992) described, a thorough understanding of soil-landform relationships is required to apply the model. The advent of geographic information systems (GIS) and associated digital data provides the opportunity to apply the soil-landscape model in a software environment (Bell et al., 1992, McSweeney et al., 1994, Zhu et al., 1996, McBratney et al., 2003). This technology has the potential of improving the accuracy and precision of the mapped soil-landscape model (Zhu et al., 2001). The SoLIM technique requires explicit definition of parameters for the controlling soil-forming factors when usingrule-based reasoning, documenting in a quantitative manner what has been qualitatively described in map unit descriptions. The use of GIS can be the tool to effectively codify the tacit knowledge of soil scientists. The benefits of using GIS are the consistent application of the rules and rapid mapping rates. This could help overcome the problem of subjectivity inherent when different soil scientists map similar areas (Bie and Beckett, 1973).
机译:土壤制图基于Dokuchaeiv和Hilgard提出的观测到的土壤-景观关系,并由Jenny(1941,1961)总结为土壤形成的因素:S = f(cl,o,r,p,t),其中S指土壤,分别具有气候,生物,浮雕,母本和时间等因素。该模型的有效性允许有效且准确地生成土壤图。然而,正如哈德森(Hudson,1992)所描述的那样,应用模型需要对土壤-地貌关系有透彻的了解。地理信息系统(GIS)和相关数字数据的出现提供了在软件环境中应用土壤-景观模型的机会(Bell等,1992; McSweeney等,1994; Zhu等,1996; McBratney等人,2003)。这项技术有可能提高绘制的土壤-景观模型的准确性和精度(Zhu等人,2001)。当使用基于规则的推理时,SoLIM技术需要明确定义用于控制土壤形成因子的参数,并以定量方式记录在地图单元描述中定性描述的内容。 GIS的使用可以成为有效地整理土壤科学家的隐性知识的工具。使用GIS的好处是规则的一致应用和快速的映射速度。这可以帮助克服不同土壤科学家绘制相似区域时固有的主观性问题(Bie和Beckett,1973)。



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