首页> 外文期刊>Social science and medicine >Cost-effectiveness of the female condom in preventing HIV and STDs in commercial sex workers in rural South Africa.

Cost-effectiveness of the female condom in preventing HIV and STDs in commercial sex workers in rural South Africa.


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We assessed the cost-effectiveness of the female condom (FC) in preventing HIV infection and other STDs among commercial sex workers (CSWs) and their clients in the Mpumulanga Province of South Africa. The health and economic outcomes of current levels of male condom (MC) use in 1000 CSWs who average 25 partners per year and have an HIV prevalence of 50.3% was compared with the expected outcomes resulting from the additional provision of FCs to these CSWs. A simulation model calculated health and public sector cost outcomes assuming 5 years of HIV infectivity, 1 month of syphilis and gonorrhea infectivity, and FC use in 12% of episodes of vaginal intercourse. Delayed infections and interactions between STDs and HIV were modeled. The simulation was extended to non-CSWs with as few as one casual partner per year. We conducted multiple sensitivity analyses. The program would distribute 6000 FCs annually at a cost of



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