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BETTER USE OF MAN LABOR ON THE FARM: A Few Suggestions for Increasing Man Power by Using


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This old information is all about using larger teams and saving on the human labor factor. These ideas kept on growing and by the 1940's Wayne Dinsmore and the original Horse and Mule Association of America produced detailed pamphlets and lots of propaganda trying to sell the idea of big hitches of from 6 to 30 head for large scale field work. The basic premise of larger units to save labor jumped the creek after WWII and was used to justify getting rid of those same draft anmals and replacing them with tractors. Today, while we watch fuel prices climb through the proverbial roof, many people are beginning to scratch their chins and ask how are we going to get our farming done? Here's a novel idea; how about draft animal power? You can save on petroleum, return people to the land where they belong, get closer to the farming work and improve the soil, while restoring small towns and local self reliance. Can't be done you say? Can you see me smiling? You know, deep down, that it can be done. You maybe afraid of the extra work, or you may be afraid of the loss of living standard. Now those two concepts, a life of leisure and luxury, are certainly up for grabs today. No need to be afraid, it won't happen over night, it will probably take at least five years ... after the first thousand tractor farmers switch because they figured out they can do it, make money, and have a whole lot more fun. Some of us crazy old guys actually believe such a thing is a formula for a vastly improved human culture. Meanwhile, keep in mind that the curious simplistic information which follows was written in 1918.
机译:这些旧信息都是关于使用更大的团队并节省人力因素的。这些想法不断发展,到1940年代,韦恩·丁斯莫尔(Wayne Dinsmore)和美国最初的马与ule子协会制作了详细的小册子,并进行了大量宣传,以期推销6至30头的大型挂钩用于大规模野外工作。第二次世界大战后,更大的单位节省劳动力的基本前提跳到了小溪,并被用来证明摆脱了那些相同的吃草的动物,并用拖拉机代替了它们。今天,当我们看到燃油价格攀升到众所周知的顶峰时,许多人开始挠头,问我们如何完成耕种工作?这是一个新主意;动物力量如何?您可以节省石油,将人们送回他们所属的土地,更接近农业工作并改善土壤,同时恢复小城镇和当地的自力更生。你说不完吗你能看到我微笑吗?深入了解,您可以做到。您可能担心额外的工作,或者担心生活水平下降。现在,这两个概念,即休闲和奢侈的生活,今天肯定会抢手。不用担心,它不会在一夜之间发生,它可能至少需要五年时间……在第一千名拖拉机农转行之后,因为他们认为自己可以做到,赚钱并拥有更多好玩我们中有些疯狂的老人实际上认为这样的事情是人类文化大大改善的公式。同时,请记住,以下奇怪的简单信息写于1918年。



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