首页> 外文期刊>Safety science >Older drivers' involvement in fatal RTCs. Do crashes fatal to them differ from crashes involving them but fatal to others?

Older drivers' involvement in fatal RTCs. Do crashes fatal to them differ from crashes involving them but fatal to others?


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In several countries, older drivers are disproportionately involved in fatal road traffic crashes (RTCs) for various reasons. This study maps the circumstances of occurrence of crashes involving older drivers that are fatal to either them or other road users and highlights differences between them. Sweden's national in-depth studies of fatal RTCs archive was used and focus was placed on crashes in which a driver aged 65 years or older was involved between 2002 and 2004(n = 197). Thirteen driver and crash characteristics were analyzed simultaneously and typical crash patterns (classes) were highlighted. For each pattern, the proportions of crashes fatal to the older driver vs. to someone else were compared. Four patterns were identified: (1) crashes on low-speed stretches, involving left turn and intersections; (2) crashes involving very old drivers and older vehicles, (3) rear-end collisions on high-speed stretches; and (4) head-on and single-vehicle crashes in rural areas. Older drivers dying in the crash were over-represented in classes 2 and 4. The study shows that when older drivers are involved in fatal RTCs, they are often the ones who die (60%). Typical circumstances surrounding their involvement include manoeuvring difficulties, fast-moving traffic, and colliding in an old vehicle. Preventing fatal RTCs involving older drivers requires not only age-specific but also general measures.
机译:在一些国家,由于各种原因,年长的驾驶员过多地卷入致命的道路交通事故(RTC)。这项研究绘制了涉及老年驾驶员的撞车事故情况,这些事故对他们或其他道路使用者均致命,并强调了两者之间的差异。使用了瑞典对致命RTC存档的全国深入研究,并将重点放在2002年至2004年之间涉及65岁或65岁以上驾驶员的车祸中(n = 197)。同时分析了13个驾驶员和碰撞特征,并突出了典型的碰撞模式(类)。对于每种模式,都比较了对年长驾驶员和其他人造成致命事故的比例。确定了四种模式:(1)在低速行车时发生撞车,包括左转弯和交叉路口; (2)涉及非常老的驾驶员和较旧的车辆的碰撞;(3)高速路段的追尾碰撞; (4)农村地区的正面和单车事故。死于撞车事故的老年驾驶员在第二和第四类中的比例过高。研究表明,当老年驾驶员参与致命的RTC时,他们通常是死亡的(60%)。涉及他们的典型情况包括机动困难,交通快速移动以及与旧车相撞。防止涉及老年驾驶员的致命RTC不仅需要针对特定​​年龄段,还需要采取一般措施。



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