首页> 外文期刊>OCLC Newsletter >Cataloging Micro Enhancer for Windows field test begins

Cataloging Micro Enhancer for Windows field test begins

机译:开始对用于Windows的Micro Enhancer进行目录分类的现场测试

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OCLC Cataloging Micro Enhancer for Windows software, which is scheduled to be introduced by the end of this year as a replacement for the DOS-based CAT ME Plus, is being tested in 15 libraries across the United States and in Europe. Barbara Thiesen, co-director of Bethel Libraries in North Newton, Kansas, which is one of the test sites, said she is excited about the potential that the OCLC Cataloging Micro Enhancer software will have. "One of the things I look forward to is being able to access the authority file directly from the OCLC Cataloging Micro Enhancer software," she said.
机译:用于Windows软件的OCLC Cataloging Micro Enhancer计划于今年年底推出,以替代基于DOS的CAT ME Plus,目前正在美国和欧洲的15个库中进行测试。位于堪萨斯州北牛顿的Bethel图书馆联合主任Barbara Thiesen说,她对OCLC Cataloging Micro Enhancer软件将具有的潜力感到兴奋。她说:“我期待的事情之一就是能够直接从OCLC Cataloging Micro Enhancer软件访问授权文件。”



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