首页> 外文期刊>Oil and Gas Reporter >Compulsory Pooling & Unitization: Saltwater Disposal Fees Compulsory Pooling & Unitization: Operator Powers and Duties Administrative Law: Scope of Judicial Review

Compulsory Pooling & Unitization: Saltwater Disposal Fees Compulsory Pooling & Unitization: Operator Powers and Duties Administrative Law: Scope of Judicial Review


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Mason seeks review of a compulsory pooling order of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (Commission) to the extent it allows New Dominion, L.L.C. (New Dominion), as the designated operator of a force-pooled unit, to charge Mason, a participating working interest owner, a fee in excess of the actual expenses for saltwater disposal. Held: affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. New Dominion files a force-pooling application for a unit and seeks to be designated as the operator. Mason protests the application and the matter is set for hearing. At the hearing, New Dominion's landman testifies that New Dominion owns no actual interest in the Unit, but has a contract with 87.5% of the working interest to operate the Unit. Mason owns the remaining 12.5% interest. New Dominion's engineer testifies that it charges a saltwater disposal fee of $0.50 per barrel and that this is "a fair and reasonable cost" that was "established in pooling orders." The engineer concedes that she did not arrive at that figure by calculating actual disposal costs. The Commission enters its order granting New Dominion's pooling application and appointing New Dominion as operator. It reasons that, since New Dominion does not have an ownership in the Unit, it provides saltwater disposal services as a third party. It further concludes the Commission has no control over the price charged by New Dominion for its services and could only determine whether the charge is reasonable.
机译:梅森寻求对俄克拉何马州公司委员会(委员会)的强制性合并命令的审查,以使其可以在New Dominion,L.C.的范围内使用。 (新领地)作为部队联合部队的指定运营商,向参与的工作权益所有者梅森收取超出盐水实际处理费用的费用。举行:部分确认,部分撤消并退还。新的Dominion提出了部队合力申请,并寻求被指定为操作员。梅森(Mason)对该申请提出抗议,此事已准备就绪。在听证会上,New Dominion的土地服务员作证说,New Dominion不拥有该部门的实际权益,但拥有一份经营该部门87.5%的工作权益的合同。梅森拥有剩余的12.5%的权益。 New Dominion的工程师作证说,它收取每桶0.50美元的盐水处理费,这是“在合并订单中确定的”公平合理的成本”。工程师承认她没有通过计算实际处置费用得出该数字。欧盟委员会进入命令,授予New Dominion的合并申请,并任命New Dominion为运营商。原因是,由于New Dominion在该股中没有所有权,因此它作为第三方提供盐水处理服务。法院进一步得出结论,委员会无法控制New Dominion对其服务收取的价格,只能确定收费是否合理。



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